Cabin episode.

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Shirabu and his family where playing a western game called old heck an Shirabu was losing by -41 points and at this point he wasn't trying at all.

He wanted two trucks but ended up with 4 on 5cards with an A od spades.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?" Shirabu yelled slamming his head on yo the table.


Shirabus family where laughing their ass off.

"I told you that an ace could win." His grandmother laughed.

Shirabu ended up losing by -47 points.

"Honestly I'm not even that mad" Shirabu lied then groaned handing back his cards

Semi and Tendō where walking down a road they where dropped off at a grocery store and got lost trying to find their way to where they where trying to get yo where they where staying.

"Ooh looks Shirabus family name!" Tendō said point at the sign on the street.

"Yeah fun" semi said sarcastically walking onto the street filled with cabins"

They walked past the first one as the sign wasn't 'Shirabus'

They come to a secluded on at the end of the street and there was the Shirabus cabin.

"I hear a lot of commotion maybe this is a bad time to be here?." Semi said trying to get out of it it's not that he thought that the Shirabus would be as bad as kenjiro but he was worried about Shirabu being there.

"WHAT THE FUCK??." Someone yelled from the cabin. Semi and Tendō look at eachother "sounds like kenjirooo!!" Tendō sung

"Sounds like Shirabu." Semi said lazily.

They walk up the stairs as they almost climb the whole flight of stairs Shirabu burst threw the door flipping off someone and Tendō and semi tilted their heads.

Shirabu walked the other way onto the patio sitting in the chair opening his phone.

Semi and Tendō walked up to him "hey kenjiro?" Semi said Shirabu didn't bother looking back thinking semi is a family member "yeah?"

"Uhm it's semi and tendo." Semi said deadpanning.

"Wait what" Shirabu said turning his head quickly.

"Fuck I can never get away from you both." Shirabu said

"Ok we will get out of your hair we just need directions cause we are lost"

"ask my grandmother because I don't really know this area."

Semi and Tendō deadpanned.


"Yes kenjiro?!"

"Uh actully I'll be right there" Shirabu said grabbing Tendō and semi both dragging them inside " these two need directions they are lost."

-time skip-

Shirabus grandmother gave them directions " kenjiro why don't you walk them though it's very confusing and you could probably take them threw the Forest." His grandfather said.

"Mmm fine." Shirabu shrugged

"Hey can I come with!!" Shirabus little brother popped up and Shirabu flipped him off.

"N o fuck no. Alright let's go." Shirabu said

They where half way down the road and Tendō asked "so why where you yelling so much."

Shirabu snorted " I lost in a western game called 'old heck' by -47 points"

"Oh I've played and oh my lord how does it get that bad" semi laughed.

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