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Shirabu was pacing back and forth in the room ranting to taichi who was filming this as he saw everything he said a untrue and in that way funny "Am i a shitty person? Yes. Do I hate knowing this fact, being away of this fact? yes I do. Can I fucking change this fact? No. Do I want to?.. YES desperately but I am like this for a god damned reason. Taichi I don't understand what I am supposed to do. I'm sure I'm positive the only person who dosent literally hate me is no one. I'm sure you hate me and I'm gonna regret saying it. But can I really trust anyone anymore? I can't even like anyone romantically becausei KNOW I'm a piece of-" Shirabu stopped pacing looking at taichi who zoomed in on Shirabus face "-SHIT taichi SHIT." Shirabu tossed his hands in the air just to fall to his sides again.

"AND ITS NOT FUNNY TAICHI!! It's quite heart reaching" Shirabu complained "but no seriously I genuinely think anyone and everyone is incapable of liking me where it's platonic or romantic because I'm a piece of Shirabu like taichi what is there to even like about me?" Shirabu whined and taichi said "how you comfort people" Shirabu deadpanned "youre the only person in my life I have ever comforted because no one except you has been able to survive the torture of being my friend to get to the point where they gain my respect."

Taichi stopped recorded and posted it to his tik tok and Shirabu get rambling. "LIKE SEMI PROBABLY HATES ME AND YOU AGREE RIGHT?" Shirabu bitched and taichi threw a pillow at him "shut the fuck yo kenjiro you know that I don't hate you that's enough." Taichi said typing on his phone "I DONT KNOW THAT ACTULLY." Shirabu threw the pillow back at taichi who then threw it harder. "BITCH SHIT UP I DONT WANNA LISTEN TO YOUR INSECURE ASS SAY THAT KINDA SHIT WHEN IM RIGHT HERE Shirabu hun I do care but I can't stand to here you say I hate you when I obviously fucking don't." Shirabu fell over from the impact of the pillow and sighed "yeah I guess your right maybe you don't hate me but you're the only person who has said it to my face so now I know I have one true friend if you're honest cause really who can I actually trust?" Shirabu said and taichi cringed "you have major trust issues bad"

Comments under taichis tik tok of Shirabu:

Tendō cuntori: guess monster guesses that Shirabu is just a little insecure
Taichiwantstodi: @tendocuntori you don't know the half of it.

Shirabutimgay?: I could say something like really smart but I'm just gonna go cry instead
Semi not semen: seek help.

And then just more irrelevant to me comments.

"KAWANISHI FUCK YOU TAICHI!" Shirabu screamed for him to no avail as the boy wasn't in the apartment so as he commented he went to cry.

Short but whatever no semishira but fuck y'all so 🤟 also I'm sending you hoes off to my other book which is a chat fic.. that I really hope you could enjoy I just hope you not like mit and ignoring this 😸 so go read it.. please

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