Head cannons

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Semishira: Shirabu is shy so he 'flirts' or shows affection my sending semi cute songs.

Ushiten: Ushijima enjoys baking in the kitchen with satori.

Taichi: he enjoys making tik toks with goshiki where they fuck wit Shirabu.

Goshiki: example of taichi and goshikis tik toks. Goshiki would be recording with taichi next to him and Shirabu on the ground stomach down on his phone. Then goshiki would ask for a tissue and taichi would hover over Shirabu and rip his tank top off.

Reon: reon and hayto convinced the team get matching very small tattoos on their wrists. It was wisteria and 'stz' written under it, even Ushijima and Shirabu agreed.

Goshiki again: when he got the tattoo in his 3rd year he brought Shirabu and Tendō. Shirabu was telling him to stop whining like a bitch the whole time.

Hayto: for Christmas he got Tendō a ring that had 'hayto :)' Engraved on the inside and 'satori :)' on the outside. Yes with the smiley face. And Tendō hasn't taken it off sense.

Reon: the few times the whole team hung out he noticed that Shirabu 'struggled' to stay with the group and takes his phone each time so he can't leave.

Not many Ik and yeah but idc <3

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