The universe fooled us.

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Everyday Shirabu saw semi swooning over Tendō and Tendō swooning over ushjima and Ushijima being way to oblivious for his own good. Shirabu was sure he was not the only person who noticed.

On the other hand Shirabu was of course a part of this chain of swooning he was watching semi all the time, except out of the people in this stupid chain, he was sure he was the only one who noticed this.

Plot twist Shirabu had a very bad depressive episode which resulted him in texted everyone in the volleyball team that was relevant to him saying he is sorry for being a horrible teammate.

Shirabus text to semi on the other hand was.. different.

"Hey semi-san I know you hate to hear from me but anyone would heh but I just wanted to apologize. I've been such a brat to everyone you the most out of them all.
I know you don't really care about hearing this from well me but I might as well tell you. I'm probably going to quit volleyball.. i am also sorry for being a cocky bastard about taking to your position in all honesty you are a better setter then me im honestly just mediocre. Im pretty sure coach only chose me to start because of how I boss people around as if i have the right when I definitely do not. And I know you don't care but I would appreciated you told the team so I didn't have to I uh came down with a disease but what disease it is really doesn't matter taichi will tell when I either pass or stop showing up. Well there is my apology, explanation, and unreasonably dumping all that onto you I'll see you later ig"

Of course Shirabu didn't mention his feelings I mean why would he, it's pointless. Semi even left him on seen. Here the other messages

"Hey goshiki-kun. I'm sorry for my harshness I was and still am not entitled to boss you around like I do. I just want you to know I'm sorry and i do not actually hate you."

"Tendō-senpai. I have a lot to say to you but It's all really positive I'm not going to lie. Tendo I am sorry for treating the team like how I did and I'm sorry for treating you like you didn't matter to me but it's just not true. Tendo you have this thing about you where no matter how large the group no matter how shitty you feel you can make everyone around you feel relevant, and I envy you for that. I am thankful that you gave me a sense of some belonging somewhere and Tendō no matter what I say I do care about you and that I do not think of you or a monster more understood then anything. I'm not one to judge by someone's looks because it's irrelevant and either way you're not even ugly you actully pretty good looking in my opinion. But anyways I'm a not gay way I love you and genuinely wish you the best satori-san"

"Ushijima-San. I have to apologize for being the reason your team is so mentally stressed all the time but I'm not sure you have to worry about me any longer. I hope for you to become less oblivious to others emotions in the future. You don't know what I mean but you will soon."

"Taichi. Your my best friend I don't really give a fuck what you think about me but I still have to say that I'm sorry for being the largest pain in your ass <3"

Shirabu texted reons and Yamagata as we but they where short because those two he actually respected.

Shirabu came to volleyball practice the next day a tad late and of course everyone looked at him expect semi but Shirabu didn't expect anything from him honestly.

When Shirabu was finished changing and putting his cloths in his locker Tendō came up to him.

"Hey shirabu?"tendo said shyly

"Yes Tendō-senpai?" Shirabu said looking straight at Tendō.

"You can call me satori and uh I just want to tell you that it's not your job to validate my feeling but I do appreciate what you said and I know you care about me already I am guess monster you know! And plus it wasn't really a guess I know how to read emotions pretty well and uhm.. what did you said to semisemi ?"

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