You are too much.

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I already have like 3 other drafts saved let's hope this one gets posted. by the way I put just a pinch of a song in there

Semis POV

Shirabu looks weird today, I mean he always looks weird but today hes like leaning up again people. Well not anybody but taichi and Tendō basically  he is also not being not a asshole to goshiki.

Shirabu is also being being like care free a little bit but his eyes, they are blood shot? Shirabu is also zoning out quite frequently.
I don't why I'm paying this much attention to the matter.

I walked past Shirabu accidentally clashing shoulders with him. Shirabu spun around and fell on his back i look down.

"You good?" I asked him and he look at me with though droopy tired eyes. "Just perfect" Shirabu replied back to me continuing to lie on the floor.

I turned around and continued to walk. I am so confused why is Shirabu acting like this. Eventually he got up too.

20 minutes later

Practice is about to end and Shirabu and I bump into eachother again expect it was like full on chest to chest time type shit.

"Bro what is up with you today." I whisper shouted at Shirabu and he look up and me squinting him eyes "uh" Shirabu mumbled and I'm pretty sure he was either embarrassed or didn't know how to reply? And I'm also pretty sure he was blushing?

"I'll text you later." Shirabu said and stuck out his tongue out at me then ran away.

"What??" I said i am so confused right about now. Alright I guess I'll just wait for his text. And then ding my phone went off. Is Shirabu high or something oh my lord he's lost contact with society I swear to god.

Shira—> semi

Shira: I'm high but you better not tell Bitch face.

Semi: Fucking knew it oh my lord.

Shira: Ima go rampage people lol bye.

Semi: WHAT??

Oh my god Shirabus gonna end up in the principals office, welp not my circus not my Monkey. Wait Shit I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who knows fuck, my circus my Monkeys, god damn.

I'm running down the hallways frantically before kenjiro can do any stupid shit. I found kenjiro sitting at a Picnic  bench sketching something.

"Whatcha drawing?" I asked seemingly surprising him. " uh nothing." He blushing shutting his sketchbook. I sat beside him.

"Mhm thought you where gonna go rampaging?" I ask only for him to say "that's embarrassing." And looked away.

I sighed I looked at him grinning. "Why where you even smoking weed?" Shirabu looked at me instantly " why not semi-San?" He seemed triggered.

"Well I'm not saying weed is bad honestly I'm just curious as why you would need it so bad before school there coming to practice high and potentially getting caught and getting in trouble?" I said trying not to trigger him further.

"I see i see I'm just tired and tense all the time might as well let loose a little sometimes right?" Shirabu asked me and I nodded yes.

"But still you should probably drink some water." I said wanting him to sober up

"Nahhhh" Shirabu replied back to me probably trying to annoy me

"Suit yourself." But Shirabu just yawned and leaned on me. I don't know what to do.

"Oh my fucking god Shirabu" I said despite holding him closer what the fuck is Shirabu up to? Hey did he even tell me that? Though I am happy he trusts me.

Third pov the day previous.

"MAN GIVE ME A SHIT TAICHI." Shirabu groaned "JEEZ CALM DOWN." Taichi shouted back to Shirabu.

"Jesus here also you gotta stop drinking soon your gonna have a killer migraine in the morning." Taichi retorted again.

"Then I just won't go to sleep asshole" Shirabu took the shot

"Honestly I don't even know why I provide you with alcohol Shirabu."

"Because you love me" is all Shirabu could come up with.

"Why are even drinking anyways-" taichi stopped and snorted grabbing a lighter. " rough day?" Taichi said igniting the flame, acting as if he is was a bartender and then started laughing at his own joke.

"You're starting to remind me of Xander. Oh my god that one episode where Buffy became a alcoholic" Shirabu started laughing

"We get it you watch western shows shut up." Taichi said grimacing.

"Eh so you wanted to know why I'm drinking so much right?" Shirabu asked taichi and said boy nodded yes while putting away the alcohol.

"Boy He got me hooked up to something, I can't say that I saw this coming? Tell me this isn't love" Shirabu groaned along with taichi as taichi didn't wanna hear this bull shit

"How about you just tell him that? Sounds good to me you just gotta find the chance"

"I'll do it ugh tomorrow." Shirabu said and taichi dropped a glass catching it again sinking down to the floor

"Go for it" taichi said his voice still shaky from almost dropping the the glass.

-present time third POV.-

'Alright I'm gonna do it.' Shirabu thought to himself but just mumbled it instead with a deadly blush in his cheeks

"You're blushing what did you mumble?" Semi asked smirking.

"Boy you got me hooked onto something."

Semis eyebrows shot up and his jaw dropped a little.

"I mean who could say that they saw us coming?.. I mean I didn't." Shirabu mumbled the last part.

Semis eyes did soften 'does he really mean it? They always say the drunk or in this case cross-faded words are sober thoughts?"

"T-tell me do you feel this love?" Shirabu stuttered extremely embarrassed.

"Damn Shirabu you are that embarrassed to even say you like me tch tch." Semi teased and Shirabu sat up slapping his arm and he held his breath.

"Ow!" Semi said in agony then sighed " alright well no more coming to school fucked up alright?" Semi said again. Shirabu looked at him "well so do you like me back or not?" Shirabu whined "I do I do Shira calm down!" Semi said not wanting to gain unwanted attention.

Shirabu smiled and semi lied down on Shirabus lap looking up at his him and Shirabu booped his nose and giggled.

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