Cat chase

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Am I gonna tell you to vote? No. Am I gonna tell you to comment on my one shots for my own amusement? YES, DO IT.

Shirabu was currently in a baggy t-shirt a shorts, his hair was messy and nose was red. Shirabu was sick and couldn't go to school today, his mother asked him to go get a package of the front porch and he did but his cat ran out of the door.

"this fucking cat." Shirabu sniffled throwing the package inside the house uncaring of what it was and closed the door behind him. Shirabu just walked with him cat who was running away.

Shirabu couldn't be bother to run after this cat, cause he is exhausted, hates this cat, and is in half put on 1inch platform shoes. Shirabu stopped and fixed his shoes then continued walking to his cat.

Then he saw a familiar boy Turning the corner onto his street another person behind him, but smaller, just then his car started sprinting to the corner where the guy was.

"EITA THE CAT!" He yelled at eita then broke into a coughing fit. Eita looked up from his phone to see Shirabu pointing somewhere near his feet while coughing. he looked down at a cat almost sprinting past him. Eita swiftly pick it up, and walked over to Shirabu.

"Is this your cat?" He asked then said "you weren't at school, why?" Shirabu rolled his eyes.

"Well if I don't look enough like a mess to you currently, I'm sick and this is my cat that is a bitch and ran out my door" Shirabu sighed "thanks for getting him for me."

"Yeah no problem." He said then started laughing hilariously. "PFFT- now that I get a good look at your face you do look like a mess!" He said and Shirabu replied quickly with.

"I will purposely Fucking pass my sickness on to you!!" The little boy who was following eita came up behind eita and kicked semis knees causing them to cave in.

"You brat!" Eita yelled at the kid who stuck his tongue out running home Shirabu assumed.

Shirabu laughed seeing semi at hi knees the cat climbed up Shirabu walking onto his back "ow ow ow ow" Shirabu repeated due to the cat digging it's claws in his skin.

Semi picked up that cat off Shirabu
"This cat seemingly hates you, a lot." Semi teased as the cat cuddled into his arms.

"Yeah he does." Shirabu said unimpressed walking back to his own house semi following because he had Shirabus cat. "And now ima have to bath this sticky hoe." Shirabu glared at the cat.

"Wow that sucks for you." Semi said "but its a cute cat." Semi continued as he pet the cat.

"Yeah he's cute but an absolute Dick." Shirabu said as he opened his front door taking the cat from semi.

"Nice house." Semi said sarcastically as it was very messy.

"I live in a house of hooligans so sorry" Shirabu said the sorry sarcastically and semi cocked an eyebrows.

"How many siblings you got?" Semi asked and Shirabu started counting.

"Well I have two younger siblings and 2 older but it's me and the youngins that live here." Shirabu said closing the front door after throwing the cat in his house. (Not aggressively.)

"Shitt, do your parents live with you?" Semi asked "just my mom but she's always working." Shirabu said shrugging.

"How many siblings do you have?" Shirabu asked and semi said "just the one you saw earlier."

"Alright we'll seen on probably Friday." Shirabu said knowing it dosent take long for him to recover from sickness as it was wensday today.

"See you??" Semi said walking away as Shirabu entered his house closing and locking the door behind him.

It was now Friday and semi walks into the gym seeing Shirabu nowhere he shrugs it off and thought to himself 'I'll just visit him after school to see what's up'

"HEY SEMISEMIII do you know when Shirabu will be back I heard from your brother you where talking to him earlier." Tendō asked semi and semi jolted from his loud voice "he said he would be back today, hes sick by the way if you did hear." Semi said.

"No way he said he would be back on Friday when he disappeared on wensday." Tendō said and semi cringed "don't make it sound like he's missing or dead i guess" semi said and Tendō shrugged.

Shirabu thought he'd be better by Friday but instead by Friday his fever grew from 37.2 degrees Celsius to 38.8. (In Fahrenheit that's 99 to 102 degrees, I felt compelled to put it in Celsius.)

Shirabu had gotten a lot worse, he couldn't get out of bed and at this point his mother was taking care of him, Shirabu had gotten a really bad fever dream on Thursday where he committed suicide and he could see everyone after he died.

And everyone was saying things like 'I'm glad he did that' , or 'he did it for attention' Shirabu woke up drenched in sweat and tears, he was sobbing so hard his mother was incapable of helping him because he refused to tell her about the dream.


Knock knock knock knock knock.
Kenjiro could hear from the door.
Ms.Shirabu answered it though.
Kenjiro couldn't make out the voice at the front door from his closed door but they where asking about him.

His bedroom door opened and he saw a flash of ash-blonde. 'Semi?' He thought and a hand touch his forehead but was immediately taken away.

"He's burning up badly." Semi whispered to himself. Then brought out his phone.

-Stz official gc-

E. Semi: guys I don't think Shirabus going to be coming back anytime soon.

S. Tendō: why not?

E. Semi: his mom told me he has a fever of 38.8 (again 102)

W. Ushijima: tell him I wish he recovers soon.

T. Washijō: same here we have a practice match coming up soon next week.

E. Semi: yeah for sure.

O. Reon: that's a pretty high fever, make sure you don't catch something semi!

H. Yamgata: yeah reons right, can't have you sick either you the person who keeps Tendō in check 😅

S. Tendō: :(


"Well kenjiro, Ushijima, and coach hope you get better soon.." semi said and Shirabu stuck his tongue out as if he where dead. Semi cringed "put that pack in your mouth- oh I see you still have the energy to roll you eyes at me." Semi said interrupting himself when kenjiro rolled his eyes.

Semi jolted harshly when a cat jumped onto the bed, but it wasn't the same cat as wensday it has really small legs and grey fur, the other one was a tuxedo.

If semi had to guess this one was munchkin mixed with blue Russian. The cat curled up to Shirabu and Shirabu smiled ultimately drifting to sleep.

(How the fuck was all that 1174 words?)

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