State testing >;( pt1

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I made this up in class when I was done with my math test :p I haven't updated this book in a while 👧
Third pov:
9:11. Shirabu had finished his math test. He was one of the few students to finish this early and so he went to to quiet room filled of working,reading, or sleeping students who had finished.

Of course shirabu had sat on the opposite side of the room, away, from all the people to read and mabye get a nap in.

Once he had read 3 or 4 chapters of the hunger games he tried his best to get some sleep in. He had taken some melatonin right after the test sense there was 5 hours more of testing.

He managed to get in an hour before deciding to read some more. 10:17, the class started to get a tad loud which had gotten in shirabus nerves, though he did under that there where 1,2, and some third years in there.

Three particular third years had just walked in, to Shirabus annoyance, they sat right beside him. Shirabu sighs and whispers a "don't talk to me, people are still testing in other classrooms, and I for one do not fancy a conversation." He says with an eye roll.

Semi had only just ignored his comments and grabbed a book. Tendō stuck his tongue out at the youngest of them all. And ushijima just sat and wrote something down, passing it too Shirabu.
It read " what are you reading? Is it good, I don't know what book I want to read."

Shirabu read it with no changing expression and wrote on the slip of paper. "The hunger games, it's pretty good I'm pretty sure their is another one on the shelf." And passed it to ushijima, who then stood and walked to the bookshelf in search of said book.

Tendō took the paper, read it, and whispered "boringgg.." . Semi who sat next to him took the paper and on the back side wrote " mind your business, AND manners Tendō" and passed it back.

Tendō playfully glared at semi then reached into his backpack fetching out a word puzzle book. They all looked at him with a look on their faces.

10:58, Shirabu was thinking 'the testing ends at 1 so might as well try and take a nap. Damn it's so cold just might get goosebumps fuck." Shirabu wore a short sleeve to school because he though it would be somewhat hot that day but he was the fool.

Shirabu had put his head down in his elbow and his other hand on the back of his neck. Surprisingly he was able to fall asleep quickly,despite the loud classroom.

Semi was reading and then relized Tendō was actually being quiet. He looked up at him and turned out he was just hyper fixated on the puzzles. Then semi looked a Shirabu who seemed to be freezing by the goose bumps on his arms and the way Shirabu would shake every so often.

11:40, Shirabu woke up he instantly noticed it was alot more quiet and he was warmer. He straightened up and rubbed his eyes. Everyone was silent again? Either reading,sleeping, or doing a word search?? He look at the third year who where also sleeping.

Semi had his back leaning on ushijima who had his arms crossed on the table with his head in the corner of his elbow but he's like as stiff as a rock.Tendō leaning back in his chair, because semi had his legs on Tendō and the red head did want to crush them.

Shirabu took out his phone made sure the ringer was off and took a picture, and favorited it. Semi and Tendōs faces looked kinda stupid in it, Shirabu giggled a little on that fact.

11:50, the copper head realizes he didn't have sleeves before and that theres was a stronger sent of semis cologne, he then thought about it and realized he was wearing semis jacket. Though he didn't care because he didn't like being cold and wasn't about to risk that.

11,57, Shirabu had been reading the whole time, when he thought ' I should probably wake them up it's 3 minutes till lunch" Shirabu took the eraser part of his pencil and poked semi awake. Probably because he knows he'd get a normal reaction.

Semi frowned at the fact someone was waking him up but stretched and opens his eyes to Shirabu who whispered " it's almost time for lunch." The ash blonde nodded and gathered Tendō and his things whilst Shirabu returned the books.

They wake up the other two at 11:59 and they split up on their way to lunch.

Eventually to find eachother later where Shirabu was drawing a listening to music away from the crowd. "SHIRAAAA" Shirabu flinched. "Hello Tendō-senpai."Shirabu said with plain expression
"Shirabu-Kun what cha doing? :DD" 

Shirabu rolled his eyes whilst semi and ushijima sit down in front of Shirabu on the concrete " what does it look like?" The copper too said sarcastically "welll it looks like you are drawing.. you have headphones in and you phones in you pocket, I can also hear you music.. SO guess monster says DRAWING A LISTENING TO MUSIC" the red head responds proudly, and semi snickers.

"No shit Sherlock" Shirabu said and continues to sketch out the flower a plastic water bottle he found.

"I could get used to this" Shirabu muttered VERY quietly caused everyone to ask what he said "it's nothing" the copper says clearly
'Can't wait for Tomorrow' he thought
941 words
Brain rot if there with be another part because I included like almost 0 semishira I'll think of it tomorrow Alr bye 💀🤡

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