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Am I mean for doing this cliffhanger on purpose yes.

Semis POV:

I walk into the kitchen and grab a spoon and started to eat sugar, well I guess the fuck not it's tastes like "salt.." I said as in spilt from my mouth to the floor and sense I knocked the container down somehow now I have grains of salt all over my floor great!

I pick up my phone and sense I was being petty earlier I deleted Tendōs contact I have to retype the digits and text Tendō

Tendō I swear to fucking god you better give me money or clean the kitchen in mess that was your fault I just made.

Uhm not Tendō but please do go on what did he do?

He fucking swapped my sugar for salt an so I ate a spoonful of salt

Tendō did your ass a favor because a spoonful of sugar? For fun? You're gonna get cavities istg

You don't even know me so you can't say shit.

What's your name? And age.

I'm eita (I don't trust you with my family name.) and I'm 23

What a shocking coincidence. I'm 22 and I neither do I want you to know my last name . I'm kenjiro.

Oh my god look we are doing so good, look us being all matchy and shit<3

Ok I'm blocking you nvm

Wait no-

Eh what ever Igtg a bitch has got to make money somehow.

Ok have a great day at work kenjiro 💟

Physically cringing


I turned off his phone then jumped up off my bed ready for what the day might have for me.
I stopped by my favorite boba shop on the way to Tendōs and walked up to the cashier who had brown but still blonde hair, semi liked it.

"Hello what can I get for you." The man said impatiently leaning on the counter with his hands impatiently waiting for the answer.

"Iced sweet tea and raspberry tea and strawberry popping boba please." I asked as i got my wallet out of my back pocket.

"Alright then that will be.. $12.13" the brunette maybe told me before taking my card from my hand.

"What would you exactly call you hair color?" I asked politely and the guy swiped my card before typing a bunch of shit and said "coooool copper~" they said mocking their hairdresser probably. He handed me my card back before turning around to start making my drinks.

I pulled out my phone to text my new friends


I just met a nice looking barista boy at my favorite boba shop.

Wow good for you mind you I'm still at work right now and busy at that.

Sorry :)


"Ash-blondie, your orders ready!" The copper too yelled to me putting both drinks a two straws down on a counter.

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