Quicky angst

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Notice how most of my angst are about Shirabu? Same idfk why. I'll try to start doing more semi angst.
Fluff? Whos that :')

Shirabu sat in the boys bathroom of his highschool ,dazed, staring at the stall Infront of him. With tears in his eyes, he bring a hand to his face.

A voice suddenly appears from next to him "are you going to tell me what's wrong." The voice asked and Shirabu jolted eyes quickly widening.

He whipped his head to the man who said that, 'semi eita' great, he thought. "No, I am not." Shirabu replied stubbornly. Semi clicked his tongue. "Tch alright if that's what you want." Semi said walking over and sitting next to Shirabu against the wall.

Shirabu continued to give off 'fuck off' vibes and semi continued to not care whatsoever. Shirabu then forget semi was there staring off into space, overthinking all of the things.

Tears again began to well up in his eyes and fell out simultaneously. Shirabu sniffled and covered his face with his hands. Then running his fingers threw his hair his head now cradled in his own arms.

Shirabu was silent holding his breath and resisting the need to breath.

Semi was listening to Shirabus soft struggled breaths till they stopped completely he opened his eyes looking down kenjiro.

"Shirabu breath." Semi said slighting hitting kenjiros back. Shirabu tried to take a breath but I'm return he just choked and continued to silently struggled.

Semi continued to rub Shirabus back comfortingly. Shirabu bit his lip and tears sprung from his eyes. Shirabu reunited his hands with his face, all to rub his eyes.

Shirabu grabbed hi handkerchief from his pocket to dry his eyes with, and quickly at that. Shirabu took a very deep breath in a long breath out.

"Okay do you wanna tell me now or continue being stubborn?" Semi asked taking his hand from the boys back. Shirabu was reluctant but stood up and said " my dad is going threw chemo currently and I was just notified that he had a fever of 101." Shirabu tried walking away but was pulled back down by semi.

"I hope your dad gets better and don't beat yourself up to bad I noticed it a bad habit of yours" Semi said keeping it short. Shirabu fell onto his ass because his knees have in and at this point he could care less he let himself fall back into semi. Then realized he was 'allowing himself' it was more of his body was warn out.

Semi frantically thought of what to do as Shirabu fell onto his then he realized Shirabu was unconscious. Semi assumed correctly that he was warn out from crying.

Semi didnt move for a while and admired Shirabus face then snapped out of it. He got up and went to the sink dampening Shirabu handkerchief then coming back to wipe Shirabus face clean of tears.

Semi put the handkerchief in Shirabu pockets then carried him away to the nurse.

In the hallway a teacher came up to him. "What are you doing with Shirabu semi?" The teacher as and semi replied shortly with "Shirabu wore himself out and passed out sir." Semi replied and the teacher excused him with a hallpass.

Tendō walked out of his classroom sending a peace sign to a friend in his class. He spotted semi and Shirabu then his face dropped as he jogged up to them.

"Semisemi! What happened?!" Tendō asked walking with him looking at Shirabu.

"He passed out in the bathroom from exhaustion from crying." Semi said he was starting to get pissed because he had answered this question 2 times already and the nurse was going to ask the same thing.

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