I know

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Shirabu,semi and semis girlfriend where hanging out at semis house semi and his girlfriend where laughing whilst shirabu just smirked shirabus kitten just feel off the table basically doing a backflip and landed oh a really fluffy blanket on his back

Semi loved this kitten which is why he asked shirabu to bring him "I'll be right back I'm going to use the restroom" semi smirked "have fun pissin!" Shirabu just gave him a weird look before goin into the hallway of the bathroom

Semis girlfriend who I'm not bothered to name followed shirabu saying "I'm going to get us a snack"
Semi smiled and nodded whilst he played with the kitten then he heard something that maybe dropped but didn't think much of it till he heard shirabu yell "SEMI"

Semis annoying so he ignored it until he heard "E-EITA"and shirabu voice cracking and then an loud bang(not a gun) he ran towards the bathroom and he wasn't there then semi saw his girlfriend with a psychotic look in her eye trying to drag shirabu out of the door

Semi managed to get shirabu before his gf ran out the door semi texted her 'we are done, not that it needed any clarification' then he looked at shirabu he has blood running down his face and then he realized this bitch must've hit his head against the counter so he put shirabu in his car and drove to the hospital

On the way there semi was nervously tapping the wheel without any rhythm or beat to it and Shirabu said "stop that" semi looked down to see Shirabu trying to sit up, he opened the camera on his phone and hissed as he touched the wound "that bitch, that has got to be a concussion" Shirabu said and semi spoke up "hey I'm sorry about her I didn't know she was a psycho" Shirabu dismissed it and began getting to stupid to talk properly.

They got there and they took in shirabu but wouldn't let semi follow.

Semi never loved his ex he only dated her to get over shirabu but he knew he couldn't

And shirabu knew this and he loved semi to but he knew his gf was up to something just not this either way he wasn't going to try anything

—time skip to semi being allowed into shirabus hospital room—

Semis hesitation was visible the doctor went up to him and said "you know you can open it right?" She said in a soft tone Semi flinched and just opened it to see shirabu looking out of the window and then back to his sketch book 'how cute..'

"Hey shira.." shirabu looked up and smiled "hey 'mi" semi looked up at shirabu "'mi?" Shirabu nodded the doctor walking in "kenjirō your being discharged get your stuff then head to the reception to fill out some papers"
Shirabu nodded

-time skip- they are back at semis house after they realize they left the kitten alone
"Thunder~!" Shirabu called making the kitten run to his side he picked him up and went to sit on the couch semi sat down with them and look in aw at how adorable they where shirabu rested his head on semis shoulder and closed his eyes

Semis blushed at the contact then smiled when shirabu was asleep semi to a selfie with him and kept thinking about the nickname 'mi he loves it he thought "it's way better then semi semi"thunder was on shirabus lap and shirabu said "hey eita?" Semi blushed then smirked "yes kenjirō?"shirabu had a faint redness in his ears "thank you"semi put his arm around shirabu "I'm not going to lie I never loved her she was a control freak bitch and she has bad intentions I only dated her because I wanted to get over my crush on you it never worked because I could never truly love her like I do you.." shirabu put his head up and looked at semi "I know...I love you too.." he said before taking his kitten to the other side of semi repositioning himself to have his head on semis lap and looked up at him with soft eyes he was tired shirabu was extremely exhausted so he turned to his side and fell asleep atop semi


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