50. Cruelty.

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On a snowy mountainside, a peaceful house can be seen. But not just any house, it was a house full of red. The walls, the floor and the ceiling were all covered in blood. And corpses layed around everywhere in the house.

A man with a katana can be seen running towards the sight in his full speed. He is sweating hard. After running for a while, he sees the house. But, he feels that something is off. He approaches it. His eyes widens and he drops on his knees after the massacre. His body is shaking and he is in absolute loss of words.

??? - M-mother.......everyone......
Suddenly, the man jolted awake from his nightmare which for some reason, felt so so real. He looks at the clock and sees that it was 4 am in the morning. He is sweating profusely and his body is wet with his own sweat. He is panting hard. He gets up from his bed and without wasting any time, he wears his demon slayer uniform and wears the haori given to him by his father. He then picks up his katana and jumps out of his window and starts running towards his house in full speed.

After running at full speed for about 30 minutes, he starts reaching the snowy mountains. After reaching the mountains, his eyes widens and he starts breathing heavily.

Satoshi - *in mind* i can smell blood a lot of blood my family's blood........no this can't be this can't be.

After running more for a while, he finally sees his house. He runs towards it.
Seeing the massacre, he drops on his knees and his body starts shaking. Tears starts rolling down his cheeks.

Satoshi -*in a cracking voice*  M-other, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru, Rokuta. What am I seeing? What is this?

He then screams at the top of his lungs.

Satoshi - WHYYYYYY???!!! WHYYYYY??!!! NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!! NOTHINGGGGGG!!!! I FAILED TO PROTECT THE ONES I LOVE AGAIN!!!!! WHYYYYY!!!!???? *he then realises something* Nezuko!!? Tanjiro!!? Where are they?? I can smell them.

He wipes his tears and starts going after the scent of Tanjiro and Nezuko. But something was off, Nezuko's scent was very very faint. And instead, there was a demonic scent dominating it.

In a short amount of time, he starts seeing Tanjiro running in the snow while carrying Nezuko on his back.
He was about to call them, but before he could do that, Nezuko starts moving a lot while on his back and because of this, Tanjiro slips and falls down off the cliff.

Satoshi - TANJIROOO!!!

He also jumps down the cliff and lands next to  Tanjiro.

Tanjiro - A-aniki? (Big bro in Japanese)

Satoshi - I'm here. You alright?

Tanjiro - I'm fine. The snow saved me. Wait. Where's Nezuko?

Satoshi - *dashes at Nezuko and grabs her* Here.

Tanjiro - Nezuko!! You will be fine. Don't worry. Big brother is also here. *approaches Nezuko and sees that she is very different.* Nezuko? Are you okay?

Satoshi KamadoWhere stories live. Discover now