77. A Visit.

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Kanae smiles while closing her eyes and replies, "Hai!"
After that, they continued their way back to the mansion.


I'm going home tomorrow to tell my family about the recent incidents and also about Nezuko. And since new year is coming up as well, I thought of carrying out our family tradition, The Hinokami Kagura Dance. Who knows? I might not be alive next year to perform the dance, so while I still have the chance, I want to do it.

And Tanjiro is also coming.
I asked him if he wanted to join to which he agreed. Nezuko would have joined too, but she really doesn't remember anything about her human life except the fact that Tanjiro and I are his brothers. And Nezuko was more interested to spend time with the rest, especially Kanae, so we decided it's best for her is she stayed back. She can go once the time is right.


It's so early in the morning that the birds are not even awoken yet.

But Satoshi and Tanjiro are ready to go to the place where everything started. Their house, which used to be their home.

"Ready to go?" Satoshi asked his brother, to which he replied, "Yes, I'm."

And with that, they started their journey towards their house. They are sprinting since they didn't want to spend too much time on the way. And their sprints were so fast that if people were to be there, they would wonder if they saw things.


It has been a decent amount of time and the sunrays has finally lighted the fields, and a very particular snowy mountain as well, a mountain-side to be exact, which holds a lot of memories.

The two keep on walking until they start seeing a very old and familiar small house whose roof was covered in snow. Both of them stop for a while and looked at their house fondly before taking a deep breath and walking towards it.

"This snow. It always causes trouble while walking, isn't it?" Satoshi asks.

"Yeah, it does."

As they arrived, they saw that the condition of the house was the same, except the fact that the walls, ceiling and the floor were covered in dried red.

They did not enter, instead, they went to the graves right next to the house. Five graves to be precise.

They look at the graves for a while before kneeling in front of them.

Tanjiro decided to let his brother speak while he speak in his mind.

".........hi. It's been a while, isn't it?"
Satoshi says as he forced a lump down his throat. "sorry for not coming here often. It's just that, well, I'm not sure whether you will believe or not, but we were very busy." As he said that, Tanjiro heard a sob and couldn't help but flinch.

Satoshi takes a deep breath and continues,

"Tanjiro, Nezuko and I are doing good. And Nezuko just conquered the sun,...........so anytime soon...she will be turned back into a human." As he said this, two drops of tears spills on the snow. He quickly wipes away the tears with the sleeve of his red haori given to him by his late father.

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