Eye's On YOU

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It's been a while since I have performed and I was honestly excited to get back out on stage. Andy had been on tour for a while now and I was excited to be on Van Warped Tour this year with him. Well we had played quite a few shows together over the years, but that's besides the point. I've had to give up on love because of this career and because of my dream. I was so thankful that Andy and I live the same life and we can fulfill each other and this crazy dream we both  have. If I didn't say it was hard at times I'd be lying but we make it work. There's no option for us but to make it work as he's my soul mate. We're designed for one another I while heartedly believe that.  As I dust off my suitcase I stand in the middle of my closet and sigh. What to wear? I had far too many clothes for my own health I swear. It's an unhealthy  addiction of mine. Buy retro and vintage tees, upcycle them and then never wear them. Women problems of this day and age. Maybe I'll try everything on and pack what I'm going to wear and throw what I don't like. Yep that's what's happening. Putting my phone to the speaker I blast my favourite songs and start my fashion show. Piecing clothes together I take a whole heap of photos for my socials and to make my life easier on tour. It was like having a Hannah Montana closet but on my phone so I could swipe through and pick the outfit for the day. Brilliant I know. As I pack enough clothes for three months I lay exhausted on my floor. There was clothes everywhere and I was dreading the cleaning process. Maybe I could leave it until after tour? Gosh I'm so lazy at the best of times. I'll clean it at some point but for now I had other errands to run. Taking my suitcases downstairs I leave them in our living room out of the way ready for Friday. Checking myself over in the mirror I peak out the window and see her run past. Putting on my cap I grab Andy's keys and head out. Was I creepy? Yes but I had to know who she was. Ever since we've moved in this gorgeous strawberry blonde ran by our house. Her pale skin always shimmered in the sun and no one knew who she was. This girl was a mystery despite everyone knowing of her. Driving slowly I see her run further up the block towards the small juice shop Andy likes. As she stops I park the car and watch her walk in. I get out of the car and decided my pallet could use a refreshing berry smoothie. Standing in line behind her I could smell her scent it was a floral mixture with obviously sweat. The smell of sweat was no longer a turn off for me as Andy and I always smelled. No we aren't freaks, we shower but some times touring was sticky and smelly.

"Name?" The worker asks

"Char" the mystery girl says and I smile. I like that it's edgy and close to Cher one of my favourite artists. Going up I order my drink and step to the side. As I waited Andy calls and I answer.

"Hey where are you?" He asks

"At that juice place, stopped to get a drink before the store." I say

"I was literally just thinking of getting one I'll meet you." He says before hanging up. Well I guess my stalk is over for the day. Customers pour in and I start to get annoyed at how long it was taking. I guess I wasn't the only one who was impatient today.

"How hard is it to make a fucking smoothie?" Char says and the workers pick up the pace.

"They are always slow here." I say using this as my opportunity to learn more about her.

"It's ridiculous." She says with a laugh

"I'm Juliet." I say and she smiles

"Sup Juju I'm Char." She smiles and I couldn't help but blush at her cute nickname for me. I'd never heard anyone call me that not even Andy. I liked it. A few minutes passed and Andy comes in panting heavily. Andy wasn't unfit by any means but long distance running wasn't his forte.

"Order for Char!" The guy calls and she walks up and grabs her drink.

"Thank the heavens your not completely useless." She says before heading out and walking up the street.

"Was that they mystery girl?" Andy asks and I nod.

"Huh she has a name." He says before going up and ordering his drink. While I stood there I thought about Char as we wait for Andy's drink. I know had a name and I'd have a stalk on social media for her. There's something about her that draws me in and I was eager to find out what it was. I don't like many people so for a complete stranger to have me hooked was weird. It's actually how I met Andy and if I hadn't chased after that itch who knows what my life would look like right now. Finally Andy's drink gets called and we head out to the car. Jumping in passenger Andy adjusts the seat and we head to the store.

"Did you find much out about that chick?" Andy asks and I shake my head

"No just her name and that she's impaitcent." I laugh and he nods

"So weird. Maybe she's a serial killer." Andy says and I snort a laugh. To be fair though he had a point. No one knew who she was and yet we had always seen her. Everyday she would take the same route at the same time like clockwork. If I couldn't find her on social media she was definetly a serial killer.

We pull up to our home and take the groceries in. Andy had gone upstairs to pack his bag and I added the pieces in my bag I bought. I was excited to perform and get out on the road. As much as I disliked people I loved my fans. Hearing their stories made me feel less alone with my own struggles. I know our fans think we don't understand their struggles but we are still human, we feel emotions too. We're not all strong at all times like some like to believe. Sitting on the couch I go through my socials and look up Char hoping to find her. With minimal effort I find her but she was a private account. I'd have to follow her and I feel like that would make me seem creepy. Sighing I put my phone down and flip through the channels to distract myself from her.

The week had flown by quickly and we were now headed out. Andy and I barely slept last night as the excitement crept in. It never got boring and it never got exhausting. The drive was quiet but it was a comfortable silence. Our phones had been none stop with our schedule and I was happy to be playing mostly the tents this summer. It was more intimate with the fans and it was under cover so I wouldn't get as burnt. I loved the sun but hated sun burn over sun burn. Pulling up to the venue we get out and greet all our friends. I loved how welcoming the guys were of me, it wasn't just because of Andy either we all genuinely had great chemistry. If I was honest CC was my favourite, he was honestly a kid a crack most days and was definitely the entertainment. Getting everything out of the cab I wheel my things over to the bus with my name on it. It was handy how they labelled the busses now. I used to hate the bus hunt everyone was on trying to find their busses. Loading in I get a feel for the bus and start putting things in their spots. It was home away from home and everything had a system. This year I was thankful for my own bus, it meant more freedom and privacy for Andy and I. Tomorrow was the first show and after settling in my exhausted ass called it a night.

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