She's All I Ever Wanted

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Juliet's POV:

The last week had been eyeing opening for us. Charlee spent almost everyday with us but she never stayed. Andy was unblocked and finally could message her but he hesitated everytime. It had been a lot harder on him then it had been for me. While he was in the dark I had been talking with her and things between us were good. Charlee had limited the affection I received around Andy to be more fair. I was ok with that. For once it was much clearer to me who was the problem and it wasn't Charlee. It was me all along and I see that now. Today was Chelsea's wedding and I was thankful to be invited. Charlee was on her way here to pick us up. We'd be getting ready at the venue with our make up and hair paid for. Andy was the only one who needed to be ready. I hear Charlee's car pull up and I excitedly open the door.

"Babe I can't get this on properly." Andy calls down the stairs. Chuckling Charlee gives me a sweet kiss on the lips before heading upstairs.

"Here." Charlee says upstairs. A few minutes passed and they come downstairs ready to go. Getting into the car I see Charlee had my dress in a safety bag. I'd yet to see it but I'm sure it was beautiful. As Charlee backs out her Bluetooth starts ringing and it was Chelsea.

"Hey what's up?" Charlee asks

"Everything is a disaster! The carriage wheel feel off and the guy has no way of fixing it! I'm so fucking stressed and I can't find my bag and where the fuck are you?" Chelsea shouts through the phone.

"Relax I just left Andy's and Juliet's we will be there soon. I will figure something out when I get there." Charlee says and Chelsea sighs.

"I'd be lost without you." Chelsea says

"Starting to feel like the glue that holds everyone together." She laughs and Chelsea giggles.

"I need something stronger then Xanax." Chelsea says and Charlee shakes her head.

"Thought you'd say that. I picked up some cotton candy for you. So chill the fuck out." Charlee says

"I fucking love you. Ok I'll see you all soon. Sorry for the melt down guys." Chelsea says

"It's all good see you soon." Andy and I say in unison. Charlee steps on the gas a little and soon enough we get to the venue. Stepping out Charlee grabs our dresses and her bag before we all head in. Chelsea was running around like a headless chicken. The stylist got me in the chair and Andy followed Charlee and Chelsea out.


Andy's POV:

I watched as Charlee slips the sachet of drugs into Chelsea's hand. It was so swift and if I didn't know Charlee had drugs I wouldn't have known.

"You want some?" Chelsea asks looking at us and Charlee bites her lip.

"Probably shouldn't Juliet doesn't like it." Charlee says.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her. I'll cover for you." I say and Charlee looks up at me.

"Trying to ruin the relationship before it's even back on?" Charlee says and I bite my lip.

"No I just want you to enjoy this moment with your best friend." I say and she nods. Chelsea grabs both our hands and takes us into the bathroom. Locking the door I watch as Charlee racks up three lines on the sink. Standing in a line we snort the white powder together and I feel the burn. It had been so long since I last touched drugs and I remember why I indulged in them in the first place. Charlee hands me a joint and we puff and pass the J in the bathroom.

"One last orgy before I'm a married woman?" Chelsea asks and Charlee chuckles.

"Ask the boss. I'm gonna go fix your chariot royal pain in my ass." Charlee says unlocking the door and walking out. Following her outside Chelsea disappears into the girls lounge. I needed fresh air to air out my suit since I smelt like weed.

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