Is It Over

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Andy's POV

I was ignoring Charlee at all costs and the guys had noticed something was wrong. I'd been getting hammered every night and I was in a mood almost every day. Juliet had gone on a break from Charlee and I felt like it was the right thing for now. If only Charlee knew the extent of her reckless behavior and the effect it had on our relationship she wouldn't have done what she did. I wasn't there and anything could have happened. Juliet can't swim and I'm the only one who would willingly get in if something happened. I sat in the dressing room and stared at my phone undecided on whether to message Charlee or not. Would she respond, would she curse me out? Did I even bother with an argument? My phone lights up and it was Juliet.

Juliet: I think I was in the wrong at the river.

Andy: How are you in the wrong? She caused you so much stress and she didn't listen to you or me for that matter.

Juliet: Well I slapped her and said horrible things Andy. My fear shouldn't stop her from enjoying life.

Andy: How many times have we almost lost her already?! Charlee is in the wrong here Juliet.

Juliet: How many times were we the reason as to why?

I sit and read that last text over and over again.

Andy: Don't bring that up please?

Juliet: I'm sorry. I think we need to talk with her in a few days.

Andy: Fine

With that last message the guys and I head out to the bus. I go straight to the bus and grab a bottle of whiskey. Was I the one in the wrong? No I needed the guys to back me up.

"Guys I need to vent." I say and they all look at me worried. They hated when I vented but I needed to get their opinion.

"What's up?" Jake asks hesitantly and I take a swig of my drink.

"We blew up at Charlee the other day." I start and CC blocks his ears and locks himself away down the other end of the bus.

"Ok .. what she do now?" Jinxx asks

"Well.. firstly she proposed to Juliet without telling me nor waiting for me to be home before doing it, then she cracked it at me for being annoyed. That's not the worst part though. You know how Juliet has a fear of water because of that accident she had as a child right?" I ask and the guys nod.

"Well she decided to get on a sketchy rope and swing herself over the river freaking us both out after we begged her not to do it. I'm all the way on the other side of the fucking country what if something bad happened? I couldn't help her, they were out in the middle of nowhere almost and it's not like Juliet could help her. Angie couldn't either because Juliet would have gone into a panic attack! Juliet thinks she's in the wrong and that I'm in the wrong. Please tell me I'm not the asshole." I ask and the guys look at each other then back at me.

"Well Andy your all in the wrong." Jake says

"Thank you! Wait what?" I ask and he sighs.

"You shouldn't have made Charlee feel bad about proposing to Juliet without you. It was a moment she hadn't been able to have for herself and you ruined it by being a dick. I get that Charlee didn't listen to you about the rope but I'd have wanted to be a river away from you screaming on the phone too. As for getting hurt she didn't so what's the problem?" Jake asks and I look at him like he had two heads.

"Just because she didn't get hurt doesn't mean shit. I don't want to loose her she doesn't have 9 lives like she likes to believe!" I shout annoyed now at my friend's.

Let it burnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora