Play Pretend

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Charlee's POV

It's been a month since I found out about my little babies. Yes I was having twins and although I was super excited I was also petrified. As a first time mother two babies at once was a lot and I was doing it alone. I'd never found out and made it too this stage with my first two. It was strange and it was scary. I'd been so unlucky with the first two I didn't know how to feel with these two. Would history repeat itself? Did I stand a chance this time? Was I even ready? All these thoughts raced in my mind. Even though I had Ronnie and Sally it was different than having the help of a partner. Today I had another scan and Ronnie had offered to come along. I was thankful for him and he knew I was feeling it. The one person I wish would come through the door had no desire to do so. He was finally done with me and I held the only reminder of our love. There was so much I wanted to tell him, him being a father one of those things but I had no way to reach him. I've tried the guys they all didn't answer, Ronnie tried but Andy told him not to contact him about me. It was truly the end of the tunnel and it was dark and lonely. I'd stopped going to my counselor as I had no desire to use, I had two precious babies growing in me. They were all I needed. Getting dressed I hear Ronnie come in.

"You ready?" He asks and I nod. Heading out I get into Ronnie's Cadillac and connect my phone to his Bluetooth. The drive was filled with laughs and took a little longer than usual as we made a pit stop for my nausea and got stuck in traffic. We finally make it to the doctor's and there was a heap of pap out the front. I get out and Ronnie grabs my hand shielding my side since now I was finding it hard to disguise my growing tummy. I was on my third month and this meant I was in the clear from a  miscarriage. The nurse calls me and I grab Ronnie's hand to follow. He missed out on these moments with Willow so I wanted him to be apart of these moments. Besides he was going to be their uncle. Laying on the bed I pull my skirt down below my belly and the nurse gets ready.

"You excited dad?" The nurse asks and Ronnie chuckles.

"Uncle but yes very excited." He says and she apologizes. As she runs the wand over my stomach I see one of my babies. Panic starts to creep in but then I see the other baby. Ronnie smiles at the screen and then the room fills with healthy heartbeats. The tears leave my eyes as all fear was washed away.

"Your babies are healthy and growing as they should. I'll get your photos for you." The nurse says. Grabbing some paper towel Ronnie wipes my tummy before I sit up. The nurse returns with my scans and we head out. Getting bombarded with paps they ask if Ronnie and I were back on, if I was pregnant, if I had any music coming out, was I clean and a lot more questions where that came from. Ignoring them Ronnie acts as a shield so I could get in safely.  We get out and I sigh in relief.

"Have you tried Juliet?" Ronnie asks and I shake my head. Going onto my Instagram I try to message her. I get seen then I was blocked.

"It's no use. They'll find out sooner or later. I just won't say it's Andy's. Saves drama." I say and Ronnie nods.

"Can always say they are mine?" He offers

"Would Sally be ok with that?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Can always ask." He says and I nod. If we did that it would be easier to answer questions. The world already knew we had sex so it wouldn't be a surprise if I was knocked up. Getting back to mine Ronnie said he'd let me know what Sally said. Nodding he reverses out and I go inside to rest.
Heading upstairs I walk into my ensuit and use the bathroom. Being pregnant was hard work. You had to plan every toilet break to the second or it was game over. My two little ones kicking on my bladder was not a fun time.
Checking myself over in the mirror I looked cute and I decided take some photos and post them to Instagram. The rumours had started and Ronnie had given me the all clear. In a few days we planned a photoshoot to officially break the news. I wanted to be the one who leaked the info not the tabloids. We also had a cute date for Willow planned tomorrow to break the news to her. Sally had asked if we could make Willow their big sister. I was honoured to give Willow that roll. A few minutes passed and I got a message from CC.

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