Deja Vu

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Juliet's POV:

My stomach turns and I was on edge. I was glad Chelsea and Booka were here with us. The sight of her made me sick and I wanted to kill her the moment she walked through the door. How sick did someone have to be to stoop this low? I mean sure my family wasn't perfect but this was next level. Although it is Abigail we are dealing with. The only thing I wanted to know is how did she look so much like Charlee? Was it a great cosmetic surgeons job? I had all these questions I needed answered and I couldn't ask them. Well not yet at least. I hear the rumbles of Emilyn's car or should I say Abigail's pull up. Chelsea and Booka hid in the powder room and Andy gets into character. We welcome Emilyn and she kisses our cheeks. I also noticed she was barring gifts. Pretending to be excited I hesitantly open the bag. Knowing the truth I couldn't trust her and who knows maybe she knew we knew? Just a thought. Andy rubs her stomach and she smiles happily. I had to force myself to keep calm because the longer she was in our home the more murderous I became. Guiding her to the couch I sit her down and ask her how her appointment was. Andy and I missed yesterday's appointment due to the emergency meeting at Ronnie's.

"Oh it went well. I just wished you guys were there. Oh and while we are on the subject of baby. When were we thinking of doing the gender reveal?" She asks and I look at Andy.

"Why no have it today? I can't wait to know what we're having." Andy says and I nod. Chelsea messages me and I excuse myself to the powder room. It was a tight squeeze but we will make do. Andy had started talking to Abigail and I look at the girls.

"Use my phone and organize with everyone to meet at Ronnie's. This bitch is getting outted today. We are not suffering anymore." I whisper and Chelsea nods.

"Like I said psycho but I love it." Booka says and I smile. Flushing the toilet I leave the girls to work their magic.

"Well I'm going to need something nicer then this for the reveal. Come shopping with me Juliet?" Abigail asks and I shake my head.

"No I want to make the party as special as I can on such short notice. Besides I want you to surprise me. I want to be blown away so choose something special." I lie and she nods. With that she peaks my lips and I hold back a gag. I have now endured half of Andy's suffering. Once she was gone the girls come out and fill us in when the verdict. Everyone was on board. Perfect. Now we just had to get to Ronnie's and set everything up. It needed to be believeable.


The house was set up and everyone had finally arrived. Only one person was missing. Abigail. Booka and Chelsea we're going to show up five minutes after Abigail. You know the whole wow factor. I couldn't help but think the two of them had plans of their own. Andy said not to worry what they had planned. His main priority was keeping me safe.

"So who's shooting this bitch?" Ashley asks and everyone was quiet.

"I am." Andy says and I look at him.

"Babe no you can't. You'll end up in prison and your career will be over." I say and he looks at me with a stare that frightened me.

"Good thing everyone here is my aliby." He says and I shake my head.

"Andy I will not let you kill someone even if it is that deranged psychopath." I say.

"I'll kill her then. Been to prison once happy to go again. For Charlee." Ronnie says swirling his glass of whiskey and Andy hands him the gun. Well at least it's not Andy. We hear Abigail's car pull up and we all await her entrance.

"Show time." Jake whispers and we all get ready for one last dance with this devil. Abigail walks in and she squeals in excitement. Andy swirls her around and then I kiss her cheek.

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