Hearts On Fire

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Charlee's POV

I sat on the bus side step lost in my thoughts while puffing on my cigarette. It's been a week since Andy and I had sex on the bus floor, ever since then we have ignored one another. He'd finally got the clarity he needed and backed off but I couldn't figure out if I was happy or more miserable? I couldn't tell anyone about it not even Ronnie. Deep down I felt horrible, deeper down I didn't and further down in the pita of my haunted soul I wanted more. The hardest thing to do is to hate someone when you don't hate them at all. I'd been fooling myself with distractions and lies. Using people as toys to try and fuck my pain away. Just like they used me I was doing the same making me just as terrible.

"Fuck!" I hear someone scream out in pain breaking me from my thoughts. Looking up I see Juliet on the floor holding her ankle. There was a part of me that wanted to watch her suffer but the better human in me gets up to help her.

"You alright?" I ask holding my hand out for her to grab.

"Thanks." She whispers grabbing my hand as I hoist her up.

"Can you walk on it?" I ask and she tries only to cry out in pain. Picking her up I go into her bus and sit her on the couch before pulling off her boot and checking it out. Wrapping it up I ask her where she was headed.

"My set." She winces as she goes to get up again. Scooping her up bridal style I take her to the stage where Andy waited confused that his wife hadn't been here already. He looks at us and rushes over taking her from my arms.

"What happened?" He asks

"I fell like a spastic." Juliet laughs making him chuckle.

"I guess some things don't change." I whisper and she looks over at me with a smile.

"I guess not." She giggles. Andy takes her out onto the stage and the fans coo at how cute it was. I couldn't help but feel old feelings arise and I was jealous while my mind ran with dirty thoughts. We couldn't do this again, there was no way we'd make it work. With that I head off to my signing.
As I made my way through my fans they squeal as bvb step into their tent. I'd been unfortunately put between bvb and Juliet's tent. Talk about torture. The fans went from my tent over to theirs and I'd catch glimpses of silly shit the band was doing. I was slowly breaking through my hard exterior and more than anything I wanted to be happy again. Could I be his friend and Juliet's? The media thought we are so why couldn't it just be that way? Oh right because my pent up rage I've yet to go to therapy for.

"How did you and Charlee become friends?" A fan asks Andy and I listen in along with all my fans who were eager to here his side.

"It's really funny actually she wasn't a fan of us in the beginning. Her words were "your a lanky Gizelle who gets way too much attention for no good reason" he starts

"Still think that ballsack." I smile and he looks over a little surprised that I was listening. He quickly covers his surprise with a smile.

"Anyways she stood exactly where you did and stole my drink proving she was a bad ass. Then she met Juliet my wife and they became close over social media and it blossomed into what it is now." Andy explains and I stalk over with my water bottle.

"Isn't he just so cute when he tells stories?" I ask wrapping my arm around his waist.

"I wish I had a relationship like yours." The fan says and I smile. Andy grabs my drink and takes a sip. I watch as he brings it back up and I squeezed the bottle splashing it over his face and making him choke. He falls to his knees coughing while the guys and fans laughed.

"I hate you!" Andy shouts through coughs. Feeling bad I go over and hand him my top.

"This is my top! I've been looking for it!" He shouts and I smile. I'd taken it when I was at his house for the last time. Everyone needs a trophy. That was mine. Helping him up he gives me a hug and when I pull back I felt wet down there. Looking down I see he squirted water at my front making it look like I pissed myself.

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