She Get's The Flowers

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Juliet's POV:

Andy had been gone most of this past month finishing up his new record. Charlee had spent every waking moment with me which I liked. It was nice just having Charlee, it also gave me a sense of what like would be like with her without Andy. Today Charlee was taking me shopping for tour. According to her she needed a new wardrobe. Either way I didn't mind because what she didn't like after a while became mine. Pulling up to rodeo drive we make our way from one end to the other. Each store Charlee walked into she walked back out of it with something. Sometimes I wondered what her bank statements looked like. As much as I knew of her financial statements was she had plenty of money to spend and hadn't run out.

"Do you want to get lunch out?" I ask and she nods. Going into a few more shops Charlee packs up her boot and we head to get lunch. I also felt like Kim Kardashian when I was out with Charlee. Without me asking she bought me things. Expensive things at that. People starred at us whenever we walked into shops and I loved the feeling. It was also good to be recognized especially when I had luxurious items in my hand. Sitting at the table Andy sends me a message.

Andy: Hey babe, going to be home late don't wait up for me.

Showing Charlee she grabs out her phone and tells me she'd be back. I watch as she gets in her car and puts the phone up to her ear. Just watching her I knew she handed Andy's ass to him. He'd been coming home late and acting strange for the last two weeks now. Charlee had tried to talk me out if thinking the worst but I think now it was playing out in her mind. As Charlee walks back in my phone starts ringing. It was Andy.

"Hey babe what's up?" I ask

"I just wanted to say I'll be home in an hour." He says

"Ok well I look forward to seeing you." I say happily and Charlee eats her lunch.

"Whatever you said it worked?" I say and she nods.


Andy's POV:

I pull in the driveway and wait for the garage door to open. Seeing Charlee's car was in there I drive onto the grass by our lounge room. Walking in through the garage I see Juliet and Charlee cuddled up on the couch. They looked so beautiful and the guilt was now seeping in. I'd been desperately trying to get Miss Maskell's attention and every time she has bailed on me. As I look at my beautiful fiance's I break down realizing how lucky I am to have them and how stupid I was to nearly break that apart.

"What's wrong?" Juliet asks coming to my side and I gently push her aside.

"I don't deserve you." I cry and she now starts to get emotional.

"Don't say that. You deserve to be loved and we are the luckiest girls in the world. Isn't that right Charlee?" Juliet asks and I was waiting for Charlee to get up and tell me to get my shit together. It didn't come though.

"I wouldn't know I'm just the fling." Charlee says before walking down the hall. My heart stopped did she know? Probably the guys had all told me they were team Charlee.

"What's she on about?" Juliet asks taking her arms off me.

"I said some stupid things about Charlee behind her back and I guess CC told her." I say and Juliet slaps me across the face.

"You cheating sack of shit!" She screams and although the sting hurt it was far better then the ones Charlee dishes out.

"I think you owe us an explanation." Charlee shouts from in the kitchen. Getting up I walk into the kitchen to see her step out onto the back deck with a cigarette in hand.

"Yeah I think that would be great." Juliet says bitterly. Sighing I explain everything and how I'd felt so insecure in the relationship. I also say that I regret not just talking about it with them. Charlee comes in as I finish explaining and sits at the dinning table.

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