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Ronnie's POV: 2 months later

I paced back and forth as Charlee took a pregnancy test. My heart was racing and I hoped with everything inside me that she was. I slept with Charlee knowing the chances were higher right after a miscarriage. As she freshens up I bite my nails. Sally and I had been on the rocks as the tabloids twist mine and Charlee's friendship. But the way they painted it wasn't all that horrible. Charlee and I were technically on and off. We were an item when high, off when we came down. I wish it wasn't on and off but it is what it is. Grabbing the test I flip it over and it reveals the two pink lines. I grab her in a tight hug and she sobs.

"Ronnie what are we going to do? I don't want to hurt Sally!" She cries and I pull back looking at her. This was a dream coming true for me and she said she wanted this to be real. I made that happen.

"This is a blessing Char, you've been given a second chance and we can have a baby together this time we don't have to pretend." I say cupping her face and she bites her lip before wrapping her arms around my neck. Picking her up I gently start kissing her before laying her down on the bed. As I hover over her body I look into her beautiful golden eyes and tuck a hair behind her ear. She was breathtaking but as her words sink in I realise we had to tell Sally. So I wait for her to get dressed and we drove to mine in seperate cars. As I check my rear view mirror I see her drive lost in her own thoughts. I didn't know what I was going to do. This was a blessing I'd prayed for, but I realise I cheated and I selfishly got Char pregnant for my own agenda. I didn't ask if she was ready, I didn't know if she wanted to settle down yet. We obviously both wanted the sex but I should have wore protection. Now I risk time with Willow and I don't think I could do that. We pull up and Char gets out with a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Don't fight me on this decision." She warns and I feel my heart sink. It wasn't going to be long before another angel is made for heaven. I look at Sally who was sat with a sleeping Willow on the couch. Charlee smiles and kisses Willow's head before giving Sally a hug.

"You two seem odd is everything ok?" She asks and I feel the panic settle as I look at Willow.

"I fucked up Sal." I say my own eyes threatening to spill tears and she looks at me waiting for me to say what I'd done.

"Sally I'm pregnant... and it's Ronnie's." Charlee says and Sally looks at us with a blank stare 

"Ok.." Sally says slowly trying to wrap her head around the topic at hand.

"I came onto Ronnie at that stupid party we went too. I was trying to fill a void and it got me nowhere. I'm so sorry Sal, I want you and Ronnie to take full custody of the baby and give Willow her wish. Don't say it was mine, we will never mention it. I'm so sorry Sal I understand if you hate me."
Charlee says and Sally get's up holding her in a tight hug. Huh? This was going differently to how I thought. I know we'd said Char would carry a baby for us some day but this wasn't an accident I purposely tried to get her pregnant for myself not for our family. That makes me sound horrible but I was being honest. 

"Ronnie and I talked awhile ago about getting a surrogate. After jelly bean I haven't been able to bring myself to have sex. I'm just glad it's you and not someone else. I don't hate you but if us having full custody of the baby is what you want were happy to do that." Sally says and Charlee nods.

"I'm not ready for the commitment." Char says and I feel guilty because I had got so selfish and ahead of myself. At the end of the day nothing would change the fact that I got my dream. Char would always be apart of our family and despite Sally being a mother figure it was still Charlee and I's flesh and blood. Suck it Andy.

**** Eight months later ****

I was so excited to finally find out what we were having. Was it a boy or another little princess? Today we had close family and friends gather in our backyard celebrating our gender reveal. Charlee wasn't in the greatest of moods today and I wanted her to celebrate despite her saying she wanted no memories of this day. Walking over to Charlee I hand her a cupcake and she thanks me before taking a bite into it.

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