Children Of The Night

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Charlee's POV:

We were buckled up for another crazy tour together. It was never a dull moment on the road with this bunch. Pulling up to our busses we all get excited. This time around I hired a bigger and nicer bus for us. It was only fitting since this time around I'd be on their bus. A bigger living quarters was needed. My band would have the bus too themselves since they weren't as crazy. Loading our things in we jump on board and head to our first venue.

"Hell bringers!" We all cheer to shot glasses of vodka. Our first show wasn't until tomorrow after noon so we were going to celebrate a much awaited reunion. As the day turned to night we got more and more intoxicated. Jinxx was the first to pass out on the couch. Jake was slowly nodding off so I do the responsible thing and help him to bed. CC and Ashley were on a whole other level. Andy pulls me into his lap and I smile as his hand slides up my thigh. Straddling his lap he brings a hand up, cupping my face as we start making out. Alcohol always led to sex with us but it was never regretful. As the kiss gets more passionate and the urges grew too strong Andy stands up. My legs wrapped around his waist as he stumbles us down the hallway. Andy trips over some loose clothing items crashing us to the floor.

"Fuck." I say before we giggle like maniacs. We continue kissing and Andy slips his fingers in. At this point I didn't care that we were about to do it in the bus hall. Everyone was passed out except for Ashley and CC. They didn't care and even if they did by the morning they'd have no recollection of it. So there on the cold floor Andy and I made love. Well that's the nicer way of saying it.


The morning comes and our alarms were all set a minute apart. My head hurt but it wasn't from alcohol. Slowly sitting up my vision gets spotty and I groan. I must have hit my head last night. Andy sits up and cups the back of me head to give me a kiss. Wincing in pain he removes his hand before instantly freaking out. He gets out of bed in his birthday suit and I felt bad for Jinxx who at any moment was going to pull back the curtain and see Andy's morning wood. Andy lids on some boxers before getting me out of bed and taking us to the bathroom.

"Baby your head." He says parting my hair in the back.

"It's fine." I whisper and he groans

"You don't have nine lives damnit Charlee. It's split we need to get you to the doctors!" He shouts and I hold my hands up in defeat. Getting in the shower I rinse out my hair and see that there was a lot of blood that came out. Andy joins me to rinse off and he cups my face.

"I'm sorry." He whispers and I kiss him gently.

"Accidents happen. Let's get this checked out before the show." I say and he nods. With that we get out, got dressed and caught a cab to the hospital. Thankfully we didn't have to wait long and the damage was an easy fix.

"There you go Miss Monroe. Your brains still intact and not falling out now." The nurse says mimicking Andy's over reaction of a small split.

"Thank you." I say slowly getting up and Andy grabs onto me making sure I was stable.

"May I suggest against intercourse while walking next time." The nurse says with a wink and I chuckle. Getting back to the bus the guys were all groaning and trying to get ready. They looked terrible and I was sure their heads were pounding.

"Where did you two go?" Jake asks

"To the hospital. Charlee split her head open last night." Andy says and everyone instantly starts freaking out and asking questions to which CC had all the answers for.

"Well Andy slipped on your clothes Jake and they fell down in the bus hall. From there Andy and Charlee went to town on each other. I can only assume that's when the inccedent happened." CC says and Andy turns bright red. He was definitely embarrassed.

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