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Andy's POV

I woke up with a sore back as I realise I feel asleep awkwardly on the couch. I'd sat up in the living room waiting for Charlee to get home. Walking upstairs I check the bedroom thinking she may have snuck in and was in with Juliet but she wasn't. Where the fuck was she? I swear if this was her making her point it was made. Maybe she was at hers. Getting my keys I leave a note on the beside table for Juliet and get in my car. I was hoping she was at her house snugged up in her bed. If she wasn't I don't know what I'd do. I've tried calling her but her phone just rings out to her voice mail. Pulling up her drive way I get out and use the spare key she'd given me and go inside.

"Charlee!" I call out as I go up the stairs. Checking her rooms I can't find her anywhere. Tears stream down my face as I realise how far I'd pushed the other night and yesterday. If something bad has happened it was all my fault. Grabbing my phone out I call her and it went straight to voicemail. At this point I didn't know if she was just ignoring me or if her phone was dead and she was in serious trouble.

"Fuck!" I scream through my tears. What have I done? My phone starts ringing and it was Ashley. Answering he asks if I'm coming in today and I said I was headed in. I couldn't find Charlee and that's probably what she wanted. Although I didn't want to go in I had to. Getting in my car I head to the rehearsal studio to see the guys in the lot. I park my car and see Charlee's car was still here. There was an uneasy feeling that overcame me as I light up a smoke and join the guys.

"Have you sorted out your argument with Charlee?" CC asks and I shake my head.

"Nope she didn't go home or come to ours for dinner either." I say trying to fight back tears. As we talk I hear sirens blaring near by.

"That's getting closer." Jake says and then they pull into the parking lot.

"What the?" I ask and then I watch as the paramedics race inside with a stretcher. That uneasy feeling got stronger and the manager comes over to us.

"Hey we have to close up today." He says and with a questioning look Ashley asks why.

"It's a crime scene." He says and I look at the guys before I run past the cops and rush into the building. 

"Hey you can't be in here!" The police scream grabbing me and holding me back. Time was going by so slow and I just had a gut feeling the body they were retrieving is Charlee's. The guys hold me back and I see the stretcher wheel out the doors and scream as I see Charlee's body on the stretcher.

"Let me go!" I scream fighting in their
grip. They load her in the back and I break out of the guys grip and rush to my car. I follow the sirens to the hospital and park my car before running into the hospital catching up to the medics who had tubes attached to Charlee.

"Is she dead?" I ask and one medic stops and talks with me.

"Who are you to her?" She asks and through tears I say my fiance. Her eyes fill with heart break and I fall to my knees holding my head. She crouches down by my side rubbing my back.

"We had a weak pulse but it stopped two minutes ago. We're going to try everything to keep her with us." She says and I sob harder. This was all my fault if I hadn't tried to fight fire with fire she wouldn't be here on her death bed. I sit in the hospital hall alone for hours and it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. As nurses ran in and out my heart stopped each time. I had no answers and I didn't know if she was dead or not. All I could think was how the last forty-eight hours had played out. I went too far I'd broken our code, she was angry and hurt that's why she ignored us all morning, then I added more fuel to the fire by being an asshole. What I did was wrong. Breaking me from my thoughts was the sound of my phone ringing. It was Juliet.

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