This Love

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Juliet's POV

I sat cuddled up on the couch with Andy while we watched the news. Nothing good was on and Charlee wouldn't be over until early morning. I had spoke about her jobs with Andy and he was on the same page. Charlee worked too much and we both had distaste towards her night job. I know she just danced to entertain rich men but it was degrading having men only look at you as a sexual object. Andy didn't want to offend her and I didn't have the balls to address it either. I was hoping her music career took off for her so she could drop all work. We wanted to spend as much time as we could with her but her job affected that. Not to mention working for that douche noodle Mr Wayne. He was a sneaky and unfaithful man. Charlee was his type and he would break her like everyone women he met. Mr Wayne prided himself as a family man yet his wife and daughter took him for millions. I don't know why Charlee defended him or why she worked her ass off to keep his business running. Andy and I believe he should rot in the rubble and buried beneath its dust. I didn't like my girlfriend working for that pig. Well yet to be offical as I still hadn't grown the strength to ask her. Not to mention I was hesitant to even bring it up. Yes I love the three of us but it was complicated. Charlee had been different of late and I wasn't sure I wanted to know why. In the small glimmers of hope it was also washed away with quick fixes and disappearing acts. Getting up I have a look what we had for dinner. Andy joins me in the kitchen and helps me decide. It was nice having time with Andy alone. Charlee always made sure we have enough time together and enough time apart. I liked how we were it worked well for us.

"What time was Charlee meant to get in?" I ask and Andy shrugs his shoulders.

"It just depends on how busy the club is. Probably around two am." He says and I sigh. Looks like we'd be going to bed without her. The annoying thing about it was she was going to be in the studio all day.

"I want her to quit that damn job." I snap at the dinner table and Andy sighs.

"I do too babe but what can we do? It's her job and she enjoys what she does." He says and I groan. Eating in silence we do our usual night time routine before going to bed.


I woke up to find Charlee still wasn't in our bed. Looking at the clock I see it was four in the morning. Getting out of bed I go to the kitchen and grab a drink of water. I was annoyed and in true Charlee fashion she never kept to a set time. We were her boyfriend and girlfriend I thought she'd at least put a bit more effort into our relationship. Going back upstairs I lay in bed and Andy wraps his arm around me.

"She'll be alright babe." Andy whispers knowing I was worried for her whilst annoyed.

"I just wish she'd put more effort into this relationship." I whisper and Andy kisses my shoulder.

"I'll talk to her in the morning." He whispers half asleep and I sigh. Closing my eyes I go back to sleep and hope she got home soon.


Andy's POV

I wake up to my alarm to get ready for the studio. Charlee still wasn't in our bed and no messages were on my phone from her. It was a rule she had to message when she left the club. Panic coursed through my body as I get an overwhelming feeling that something was wrong. Going downstairs I go to call Charlee when she walks in the front door. Her eyes meet mine and she sighs.

"Where the hell have you been?" I ask and she bites her lip.

"Don't lie to me either." I say sternly and she walks in to the kitchen grabbing a glass of water.

"Please don't hate me?" She whispers looking at her hands that had now started trembling. Rushing to her side she pulls away a little.

"Just tell me." I whisper and she swallows hard.

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