Everything I Ever Wanted

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Andy's POV

I hadn't been doing well lately, I'd lost some friends and things were strained in my relationship. Juliet had been next level, I had to change my number, I wasn't aware of anything that included Charlee. The guys told me bits and pieces, like she was finally clean and CC said she was doing well. That's all I wanted, for her to be ok. I still missed her and I cried most days about it but I chose this. Juliet ripped up anything that was related to Charlee. Songs I'd written for her and with her gone, photos and poems gone, the necklace I stole from hers was now broken and thrown in the bin. Of course I didn't leave it there I got it fixed and left it in my car. I'd hidden everything in my car just to keep something of her. I bought a new journal and I stuck an envelope with the few photos I still had of us in the seem of the back page. I'd made it so I could still look at the photos from time to time but Juliet wouldn't know they were there. As I drove to the studio I thought about all these raw emotions. I'd started working on some solo stuff. The band decided a short break was much need since this last year had been a rollercoaster. Charlee had been in hiatus for months and she hadn't posted on socials for a while. I was blocked from most of our mutuals which sucked. Ronnie was one of those people. I'd tried to apologize for my shitty phone call last week but he hadn't responded. It was becoming more and more evident I had Juliet and Juliet alone. Like she had always wanted. Sitting in the grass Charlee and I had for months I start writing. I was mentally blocked then I remembered Char had written in my notes. Scrolling back a while I retrieve the lick she had written. Thinking about it for a moment I start writing Rib Cage.

Jake: You still coming to boys night Thursday?

Andy: That's this Thursday?

Jake: Yeah, if you can't that's fine we understand

Andy: No I'll be there.

Jake: Cool 😎

Getting back to my writing I let my mind wonder to where it needed to.


Thursday rolls around and I head to the guys house. I had felt left out the last few weeks as they spoke in secret. A part of me knew it was them talking about Charlee and trying to be mindful but I wanted to be in the conversations. It was the only way I knew how she was doing. I'd tried to message her a while back but Juliet caught me and that caused drama I'm still trying to recover from.

"Did you know she's pregnant?" CC asks the guys and they all nod.

"Hey guys, who's pregnant?" I ask joining them at the table.

"Oh just that actress from that stupid movie.. fuck what's it called?" Jake starts before Ashley says some random movie I'd never heard of. We get set up for a game of poker and the conversations just flowed. As Jake sets up the game I realise it was Charlee's way of playing. It gave me a little sense of normal, I wished she was here though. As we go around the table TMZ comes on and I see it was about Charlee.

"Whether you love her or hate her the bad decisions star announces her return to the music scene after a short hiatus, with a smashing new hit airing tomorrow afternoon. The starlet has also come back breaking news headlines as she relapsed last night with on and off again beau Ronnie Radke." The reporter says

"She wouldn't?" Ashley asks

"She's relapsed heaps it's not surprising she did, also Sally just had a miscarriage didn't she? They both don't help each other." I say

"I fucking hope not she's pregnant.." CC says before clasping his mouth shut.

"She's pregnant?" I ask and Jake nods. The cat was out of the bag now. Was this why they had all been so weird? Grabbing Jakes phone I scroll on her page and see she had posted a fair bit. Wait this was a new Instagram. No wonder she hadn't posted in a while. But I see cute mirror selfies and she looked healthy and then I see the post that broke my soul. Charlee was pregnant and Ronnie was taking my place. He was living the life I had planned and prayed for. It was everything I wanted but I lost it all. Scrolling up a little I see beautiful golden hour photo in her bathroom. She had a silk scarf wrapped around her breasts and her hands on her belly. The shadow of her tree outside hit her skin making the photo look so aesthetically pleasing. Swiping across I see her in the same pose but this time it was a bomeranng of her dropping two dozen Red Roses.

"Cause roses don't know what they did 🌹🖤"

I read the caption over and over again but couldn't see what she was trying to say. If I was honest I was stuck on the red roses. I'd bought her two dozen Red Roses every date night and I admire how beautiful her body looked in this lighting and as she carried two no doubt beautiful babies.

"Can I message her from your phone?" I ask and Jake nods. Walking off down the hall I FaceTime her and to my surprise it answers but I couldn't see her face. That's when I hear mumbles before I hear moans. Charlee was having sex and answered the phone to Jake? Well it was me but that seemed odd. I couldn't hang up though I just watched hoping to see her face.

"Ronnie!" She moans and my blood boils. I hear shuffling around before I hear them talking.

"Coke isn't doing it for me. I need something else." She says

"Char I know your hurting but I don't want you using anything heavier." Ronnie says.

"I want to die Ronnie! I just lost my babies. My babies!" She cries and I hang up tears streaming down my face. Wiping my tears I join the guys and they ask how it went.

"I wish I didn't call." I say and they look at me confused. Shaking my head I get on with the rest of the night. It was what I needed. Charlee had moved on. It's about time I did the same thing. After all I had Juliet and we were the it couple of our dreams. I should be happy.


Juliet's POV:

I was absolutely fumming as I sat and listen to TMZ. Charlee had moved on too quick for my liking and now she was pregnant with Ronnie. That's one of Andy's closest friends and she did him so dirty. Was this her punishing us? I bite at my nails as the details cover everything and I was in tears by the end. Thank god Andy was at the guys house tonight. A part of me wanted her back and now I questioned if I genuinely loved her or if this was a part of my wanting things I can't have proplem. Grabbing my phone I put my phone on private and call Charlee's number. It rings twice before she picks up.

"Hello Charlee speaking?" I hear her voice cracking as she spoke.

"Sorry wrong number." I say quickly before hanging up. My chest tightened and I really started to feel her absence. It wasn't my what I can't have issues, I genuinely loved her. Not that I'd admit that to anyone, especially not Andy.

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