Love & Other Lies

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Charlee's POV

It's been a full two weeks since Juliet blew up at me and called it off. To say the least I was pissed. It came out of no where and what hurt the most was she broke her promise. What was even worse is that Andy let it happen.  Andy took my car to the studio today and I stayed at his all day fixing his car. Why did I always find myself in this predicament? I'd be thrown out but be the first person to save them. I guess it was too hard to admit this relationship was just never gonna work in this universe. Maybe if I added up all these moments, it would make it easier to remember the good times. Then again maybe that's why I keep coming back for more pain. I loved it more when it hurt. Thankfully Andy's car didn't need too much, just had to replace his fuel line and some spark plugs. Juliet didn't speak a word to me all day and I didn't understand what the problem was. I wasn't sleeping with them anymore, friend zone was loud and clear but that still wasn't enough.
Wiping my hands I turn the car over and she purrs like a kitten. Going inside I use the bathroom and clean myself up before heading downstairs.

"Ok I can get out of your hair now." I say grabbing my stuff from the hallway.

"Wait!" She shouts coming around the corner half naked. I look her up and down biting my lip and I agonising have to remind myself it's over.

"What's up?" I ask

"Did you really love us both equally?" She asks shyly and I nod.

"I did and I even gave you a ring to prove it." I say and she pins me up against the wall kissing me. As much as I wanted to go there I was in the friend zone. It wasn't fair to Andy and I needed to stick to my word.

"Juliet as much as I want to we can't. It's been friend Zoned " I say

"Yeah friends with benefits." She says before connecting her lips again and I couldn't argue with that. I move us to the couch where I take her sweetly. Her moans made my heart flutter and I felt home. Getting up I kiss her forehead before washing my mouth out in the bathroom then leaving. As I drove my mind swirled with what had just happened but I also remembered today marks two weeks sober. It seemed like nothing to some but it was huge for me. Stopping at Chipotle I order the guys usual and drive to the studio. Pulling in I park Andy's car in its usual spot and walk in to the guys studio. They were all sat on the floor in the booth chatting about what they wanted to eat.

"Oh my god food!" CC shouts getting up giving me a hug before grabbing the bag of food. There was no space to sit so I settle for Andy's lap which he was happy with.

"Did you taxi here from the mechanic's?" He asks resting his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah it's bad Andy and it won't be cheap either. Apparently you need a new motor, spark plugs and fuel line." I lie and he sighs

"How much?" He asks

"He qouted eight for it." I lie and he groans

"I can't afford eight thousand. Maybe I should just sell it." He says and I turn to look at him.

"We have had way too many good night's in that car I think the fuck not." I say and he looks at me.

"You still have your car and besides I can't afford to fix it." He says

"Well it's a good thing I already paid the mechanic." I say and he looks at me.

"Seriously?" He asks and I nod with a smile.

"I already owe you for it's last service. Stop fixing my shit." He says and I shove a chip in his mouth.

"You don't owe me anything. I pay for these things for my friends." I say and he kisses my cheek thankful for all I've done for him. He wasn't happy about it because he felt like a leech but I know how hard he's struggling. It wasn't pity money, I genuinely loved him and I wanted him to be happy. In a way I felt guilty that I'd been a huge wedge in his relationship. He was constantly in the hot seat because our relationship caused trust issues and paranoia somewhere along the road. Juliet hadn't been so ok with this as she made out and Andy was constantly hearing about it.

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