Just a little bit

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Juliet's POV:

It's been a week since we got home and Charlee hadn't left the house. She had claimed Andy's side of the bed and although she thought her efforts to hide her midnight sobs were enough I heard them. I hadn't seen her like this before and I didn't know what to do. It was now lunch time and Charlee hadn't gotten up. Angie was on her way over to keep us company and I hoped it got Charlee out of her slump. As I tidy up the living room my phone rings. Picking it up I see it was Andy and I sit on the couch happy to answer.

"Hey babe." I say excitedly and he smiles before realizing Charlee wasn't in frame.

"How's my girls going?" He asks and I let out a sigh.

"Charlee isn't taking the distance thing too well. She hasn't showered since we left." I say truthfully and he sighs.

"Is she awake?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No I have Angie coming over to try and get her up and exist. I don't know what to say or do to help her feel better. If I'm being honest I didn't think she would take it this bad." I say and Andy nods.

"Just give her time. I will call back later and hopefully I can speak with her. I haven't heard from her since she left." He says and I nod. We finish up our conversation and then I hear Angie pull up. Hanging up I open the door and greet my sister. I was excited to see my partner in crime and I hoped Angie could lift my loves mood.


It had been an hour since Angie got here and we caught each other up on our lives. Charlee still hadn't come down and Angie points to upstairs.

"How is she?" She asks and I shrug.

"Hasn't left the bed. I'm worried she's depressed." I say and Angie gets up. Following her upstair I watch as she jumps on the bed straddling Charlee's sleeping frame. Charlee stirred and her groggy voice mumbles something.

"Charlee." Angie says playing with her hair.

"Juju baby I'm not in the mood." Charlee says still laying in the same position.

"I'm glad cause it's Angie." Angie states and Charlee lifts her head to see Angie was the body on her.

"Oh. Hey." Charlee says before laying her head back down.

"Damn girl when's the last time you showered?" Angie says and Charlee groans.

"You not gonna leave me alone until I get up huh?" Charlee asks and Angie giggles.

"Yep so we can do the easy way or the hard way. You pick your poison." Angie says and Charlee groans.

"Love to see what you'd do." Charlee says and Angie gets off the bed. Angie leaves her be for a minute but Charlee made no effort to get up. Looking at me I nod and Angie rips the blankets off Charlee and stood over the bed with her arms crossed.

"Want to know what's next?" Angie asks and Charlee growls.

"Alright I'm fucking up!" She shouts getting off the bed and storming into the bathroom.

"Love you!" I shout and Charlee opens the door a little.

"Love you too." She says. With that Angie and I leave her to be. An hour passes and Charlee comes downstairs in her dressing gown.

"Are we going anywhere?" She asks and I look at Angie.

"Want to go for a road trip?" I ask and she nods. Charlee raised her eyebrow and I smile happily.

"Pack a weekend bag and dress comfy. We're going camping!" Angie shouts and Charlee runs upstairs with excitement. 20 minutes passed and Charlee comes down wearing some of Andy's clothes and had two bags packed.

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