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Andy's POV:

I woke up to my phone alarm ringing in my ear. Groaning I turn the fucker off and roll over. My head was pounding from the alcohol I consumed last night. I know the guys were gonna feel it too. What's even worse is I had been doing coke all night with Charlee in the bathroom. The guys had no idea what we had been in their for which was a plus I guess. My phone starts going off again and I groan. I guess there is no sleep for the wicked. Getting up I hear movements in the bunks around me. Guess my alarm killed everyone's soul today. Wait where's Charlee? Walking down the hall I don't see Charlee and start to freak out.

"Charlee!" I call out before the front door swings open. Charlee. Sighing in relief I sit on the couch and think about how much I regret last night. I know it was my idea but fuck I wish she didn't agree to it. This was just another one of those things I've done to fuck up her life.

"You look like shit." Charlee says and I chuckle.

"I feel it too baby girl I feel it too." I say before getting up and running for the toilet. Yep there's the regret. Once I was done I brush my teeth and rinse my mouth out. This flight home was going to be brutal. Thankfully Charlee had pack all out things up and organized our shit. If it wasn't for her I don't know how I'd be functioning right now. It wasn't just this moment in my hung over state, this is what Charlee did for me all the time. I was organized because of her.


Charlee and I walk up our driveway and I thankfully had sobered up on the flight. Juliet greets us at the door and was excited for our return.

"Oh babe you need the shower. You smell heavily of booze." Juliet says as she kisses me. Nodding I head up to the shower and drown my sins. Charlee had showered in the morning before we left since she was an early riser. How? Who knows. I sure as hell don't. It felt so nice to have a hot shot and move around freely. Charlee comes into the bathroom and wolf whistles at me as she puts out toiletries in their spots.

"Juliet where did you get this?" Charlee calls out and I stick my head out to check what she was referring to. Juliet walks in and Charlee turns around with a pill bottle.

"I can explain." Juliet says and Charlee storms out of the bathroom. Fuck me not today. Turning the shower off I quickly dry off before throwing on some fresh sweats. I had no idea what the bottle was but Charlee was screaming and hitting every wall down the hall.

"I'm moving out!" Charlee screams and I meet them downstairs.

"Charlee we can work through this!" I say and she shakes her head.

"I'm not living here anymore! I can't have people digging though my things!" Charlee screams and I grab her hands. Seeing the bottle in her hand I realized why she was so manic. It was the left overs of our little ones.

"Where did you find it?" I ask looking at Juliet. Biting her lower lip she tried to come up with a story. I know exactly where she got it from because this was in my personal box. I'd taken it from Charlee's box so this wouldn't happen. I know how manic she gets and the last thing I wanted was the kids ashes thrown across a hallway.

"Where Juliet?" I ask more harshly and she let's out a sob.

"I'm sorry I snooped in your box. I thought you were planning something special and I..." She starts and I bolt upstairs. There in my office was a chair and the box on the desk open.

"Why?!" I scream out as I realized the glass figures were broken.

"What's wrong?" Charlee asks running up the stairs.

"Charlee wait!" Juliet screams knowing full well this wasn't for her eyes. Closing the box I meet Charlee in the hallway and wrap my arms around her.

"Andy you have three seconds to tell me what happened." Charlee warns and I cup her face. The tears running down my cheeks only made Charlee more angry.

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