Blind Love

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Andy's POV

It's been a week living with Charlee and it was evident I had fallen hard for her. I wasn't pretending anymore, there was more then just an affair growing here. The thought of missing Juliet was notably less and less each day. I know it should bother me, I was going to be marrying her next year but it wasn't. The band was in and out of the studio and Charlee had just started recording her album. Any spare time I had I spent with Charlee. This last week felt so right and I didn't know what I was going to do. I didn't want to live a life without Charlee but I was getting married to Juliet next year. Did I call off the wedding and figure out what this was going to be with the three of us, would Juliet leave me when I confess this to her? I had no idea what the future held for us. My mind raced around with all these thoughts as I sat at home all alone. Charlee had left about an hour ago to head to a radio station regarding her new song that was going to air this afternoon. I was so excited to hear it after the delay in releasing it. Sitting in the living room I had the radio station she'd be on playing and waited to hear her.

"Alright folks in the studio with us is Charlee Monroe who has completely dropped a bomb on us this afternoon we are bringing you not one but two new killer songs. We are going to play one now then come back for a quick chat. This song is called heavily broken."  The radio host says excitedly. I sit on the edge of my seat as the song plays and the tears prick my eyes. Wow. Her voice held pain, it held raw emotion and still sounded like the heavens.

"Back in the studio live with Charlee Monroe. Wow what a powerful song that was I have tears in my eyes. Can you walk us through this song?" The guy asks

"Awe thank you. This song I wrote at my lowest point this year. I've not had the best luck at love and I hadn't been looking for it when I found it knocking right at my door." Charlee says

"Love has funny ways in coming to life doesn't it?"

"Oh for sure there's a reason they say love is blind." Charlee says and I smile at her comment. It was true though.

"So you have a record in the works right now can we expect that to drop soon?" The guy asks

"So we have had to delay the album release but it will definitely be dropping right in time for warped tour 2015. I will also drop that there's a few features on the album so your definitely not gonna want to miss out." Charlee says

"Any hints for the listeners?" The guy asks and she chuckles.

"Some of your warped tour favourites that's all I can say," she says

"Alright were going to have to wrap this up after Charlee introduces the next song for us." The guys says

"Do you ever have just that one friend who hasn't figured their shit out? Well I am that friend so heres to releasing my own diss track. Thank you for having me on today, I'm Charlee Monroe and this is bad decisions." Charlee says and the next song plays.

"I'm a fucked up mess
Feeling angry and depressed
I make bad decisions
I make bad decisions

Oops! I did drugs
Again last night
My younger self
Would be mortified
'Cause Captain Planet
Told me to say no
Oh, what happened?
When did I grow into a

Fucked up mess
Feeling angry and depressed
I make bad decisions
I make bad decisions
I'm in so much debt
So I'm getting off my head
I make bad decisions
I make bad decisions

Shit, why did I
Get drunk again?
And get it on
Yeah, with all my friends?
Got with my best friend...
And his roommate too...
And his roommate's girlfriend...
Hey head, what's wrong with you?

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