Crack My Heart

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Andy's POV:

My heart pounding and knees giving out I run through the crowd. Most of the people around me had no idea of the blood shed that just occured. My love. My wolf was dead. I left her. All things left unsaid. I should have told her. There's so many things I'd never get to tell her again. Yet again I left her when she needed me. Jake makes it to the group first and there was people circling unsure of what was happening. Left and right friends asked what happened. I couldn't speak. My body gives out and I fall to my knees shaking uncontrollably.

"Charlee!" Jake screams through his tears.

"What happened?!" Ronnie screams panic in his voice.

"She's dead!" Jake screams and Ronnie falls to his knees screaming a bloody murder. I felt guilty for leaving her. Ronnie was my best friend and even if we weren't on good terms right now we shared the same love. His daughter looked up to Charlee and their bond was undeniable. To think I just let her aunty die made my stomach flip. I'd have to live with that painful reminder forever.

"Charlee!" Kellin screams and our heads all snap to where he was running. Ronnie gets up and rushes to her aid. He sits with her in his arms and sobs taking in the blood over her body. There was so much blood oh god. Kellin runs into the bus and comes out with water and a first aid kit. He some how was the most composed and goes to cut off her shirt but she stops him. I watch as she struggles to take off the top.

"Call an ambulance!" Ronnie screams and Jake springs into action. I could see two bullet holes in her chest and my throat tightens. The colour in her face was leaving as every second passed. Kellin uses the gauze to apply pressure on her wounds and I move closer to her.

"Charlee what are our babies names?" I ask as I see she was fading in and out.

"Elijah, Everleigh, Raven and Oden." Charlee whispers looking at me. I loved the names and this just truly confirmed the suspected twins were indeed mine.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." I whisper and she tries to move over to me. Ronnie gets up and I replace his spot. Pulling Charlee into my chest she grabs my hand and laces her fingers.

"I wanted to tell you." She whispers

"It's ok that you didn't. I didn't exactly make it easy for you to reach me." I say and she laughs

"We dated the same woman Andy." She says and I rest my chin on her shoulder. Juliet was definitely the main reason I let her go, but I am a man of my own I could have reached out. I should have reached out. Would it piss Juliet off? Absolutely, but Charlee was the love of my life. I didn't show her how much she meant to me when I had the chance. That's a regret I'd live with forever. As we sat there waiting for an ambulance I just held Charlee praying this wouldn't be the last time.

"I love you Charlee please don't leave me." I cry burying my face in her shoulder.

"Batman doesn't get the girl in this life time." Charlee whispers weakly and I hold her a little tighter. I hear her breathing get crackly. The blood was pooling into her lungs now. Charlee moves and stands up. I watch as she uses the bus to hold her up before I hear the worst sound leave her body. Hunched over I hear Charlee coughing up blood.

"How far off is this god damn ambulance?!" Ronnie screams as he grips at his hair and looks up at the sky.

"Charlee hang in there." Kellin says holding her while she spits the blood out.

"Andy.." Charlee says and I get up.

"What's up?" I ask taking Kellin's spot and she stands up. Slowly turning around she cups my face and looks into my eyes.

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