Whiskey Tears

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Andy's POV

I stood side stage and watched my love play. It was hard seeing her so happy out there and knowing she would be sad once the show was over. Trapped in her thoughts and lost like I was. This tour seemed like a mistake. We were in a secret relationship and for six months we had to lie and pretend our love for one another didn't exist. Imagine loving someone so much and spending every day together but can't do anything with them. If you know this pain I'm sorry. It's what I felt every single day. Her song comes to an end and she looks at me while taking a sip of her drink. Giving her a small smile I bite my lip and look down at my shoes. I didn't want her to see I was upset. It would make her worry. Her last few songs go by in a blur and before I knew it she was asking if I'm ok.

"It's nothing just home sick." I whisper and she nods letting it be.

"I'm going to do the prank on the second last song." She whispers and I grin. It was going to be so funny. We go out and start performing. The guys had no idea what was going to unfold, nor did the fans. As each song went by I got more and more excited. The fans were loving the show as they always did and thankfully no hecklers tried to ruin it. I start the second last song and Jake comes over gesturing me to look behind us. Looking I see a can moving slowly. Charlee had started. Shrugging we continue the song and at the chorus CC starts playing sloppy.

"Ahhh! Something touched me!" CC screams and we stop playing looking at him.

"Told you man this place is haunted!" Jinxx says and CC shakily starts playing again. Throughout the rest of the song he tried to keep focused.

"Guys we are not playing this venue ever again!" CC says during our short break. Charlee stopped the paranormal activity and we start our last song. At the chorus I turn around and see Charlee in a clown outfit signalling for the crowd to be quiet. I face the crowd and do the same signal. They play cool and Charlee was in her position. We were coming to the end of the song when Ashley turns around and screams. CC looks behind him before leaping from his chair and holding his chest. Laughing I continue singing and Charlee starts playing the drums. The show went on.

"I honestly hate your ass right now!" CC shouts and Charlee laughs.

"Hey Jinxx and Andy told me to prank you!" Charlee says

"Did not you told us to help you!" Jinxx fights and we all laugh. Thanking the crowd we go backstage where CC tackles Charlee to the ground. They roll around play fighting for a bit before we had to pack down the stage and head to the meet and greet.


! Trigger warning ! SA content ahead.
Please if your not comfortable to read it don't read. When the text goes back to normal that's when it's safe to read on. Much love my bunnies 💕

We walk in to the room and the fans scream with excitement. Charlee was in every meet and greet on the tour. It cut down the time we spent at the venue and I was over protective of her. Fans can be crazy and I didn't trust them with her. Charlee takes a seat at the end and I sat next to her. We had a cloth over the table so the fans couldn't see under the table. It was mostly so pervs couldn't get photos of up Charlee's skirt. However it meant that I could run my fingers over her thighs while I waited for the fans to reach us. The meet and greet was going smoothly and we were all having fun. Charlee had stood up and stood in the front of table. The fans could hug her and Charlee liked to make the experience more personable. We get to the last few hundred fans and this is were everyone started getting weird.

"Charlee I love you!" A guy shouts from the line.

"I love you too!" Charlee shouts back and he smiles. The guy comes up to the table getting his bvb poster signed and seemed normal. Once he got to me I could tell he was off.

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