Found Missing

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Juliet's POV

I looked around at the dim room I'd been left in. There was nothing else for me to do but take in my surroundings. Emilyn hadn't returned and my stomach grumbled in the silence. My head pounded and I needed water for my dry mouth. I've never been so desperate for water in my life. With that thought I could hear movement and voices upstairs. Thank god that wretched woman was back. The door above the stairs opens and down comes my keeper. As she gets closer I see a bottle of water in her hand. I watch as she sits in front of me drinking the bottle. Of course she was going to torment me now. The moment I got the chance I was going to kill this woman. Maybe even give her a taste of her own medicine. The bottle was nearly empty before she gets up and puts it on the stand just next to me. Her fingers run through my hair as she walks around the chair. I get the chills as her long black finger nails graze over the back of my neck. Her fingers agonizingly slowly undo the gag. Once it come off I close my mouth and wince in pain. I had my mouth open for go knows how long and it wasn't a nice feeling.

"We're going to play a little game Juju. This is how it's gonna go. You answer my questions and you get a drink. Don't answer and I'll have to punish you. Understood?" She whispers in my ear.

"Fuck you." I spit venomously earning my hair to be pulled. Looking up into her eyes while her fist was filled with my hair.

"Understood?" She asks and I nod. Her hand let's go and I lift my head up.

"Can I have a sip of water first?" I ask and she laughs.

"I think you can answer a question first. How'd you get the key to this house?" She asks picking up the bottle of water.

"I found it." I say and she looks at the water bottle.

"Need a little more detail." She says. This bitch was going to make this hard and I didn't like my odds.

"I went snooping and found a box Charlee had hidden in our house. In the box was the key and this address." I say and she smiles bringing the bottle to my lips. Getting a mouthful of water I hold it in my mouth for a moment before swallowing.

"Who's house is this?" She asks

"Her filthy ex's. Mr Wayne." I say and she gives me another sip of water.

"If you hated him why come here?" She asks.

"To snoop. I wanted things Charlee had promised me." I say truthfully and she shakes her head.

"Mhmm only half true my love. What's the other reason?" She asks and I stare at her. I didn't owe her anything.

"Fuck you." I say and she back hands me hard across the face.

"Try again." She says

"My husband was looking into things he had no buisness knowing. I was going to run here when my father had his way with him." I say and she smirks. She already knew that. But how?

"Your not a great wife Juliet. It's no wonder your husband ran to the first woman to show him affection." She says and I spit at her.

"She was a slut and made it easy." I say and she takes a seat in front of me.

"Just like you." She says sipping from the water.

"I don't know what you think you know but I can assure you this little game will lead you nowhere." I say and she laughs.

"Juliet my sweet girl. You have no idea just how much I know." She says and I call her bluff.

"Tell me then Emilyn if that's even your real name. What story have you heard?" I ask and she grins.

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