Weight and Health (non-Wattpad)

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If you've been reading this book (which is nearly 6 years old now, yes, rants from me as a teen started this off) you know I've discussed this before along with knowing I get sick quite a lot.

Well, I'm still super skinny, but thankfully now a good weight (140lbs this year, so yay! Added 20 on!). I've mainly been trying to gain weight for my health because being too thin causes me to get sick easily.

Well, with COVID-19, last year I didn't get sick. Now that people are being gross again (aka, not washing hands after using a PUBLIC BATHROOM) and not sanitizing, germs are everywhere.

Right now, I'm sick thanks to these people who don't want to stay clean. It also doesn't help that the sanitizer my place of work has been using just got recalled two weeks ago because it is causing cancer. So now if I'm cashiering, I cannot sanitize after handling gift cards, people's IDs (for alcohol and 18+ stuff), or dollar bills. So germs are latching onto me.

It also doesn't help that some people just let their kids run around and they'll touch me when I'm helping people on self-checkouts. One scratched me and I had a minor infection from that.

Well, the sickness I have started off as breathing problems, lungs are back to normal, but now it's a lot of sinus blockage. My nose continually is blocked and I'm coughing like crazy too since the mucus is actually closing my throat off.

Today I took the day off from work because some bacterial germs got in me and have messed up my gut, so when I woke up again, my mom had a talk with me.

No biggie, just her saying I can get fired, but I'm not worried since I'm a top-performing employee and always have doctor's notes so my employer knows I'm not lying about being sick. Plus, I call them to let them know I won't be coming in due to illness.

Well, part of that conversation was exercise, and I agree I should exercise. I know I need to exercise and eat better to stay healthy, it's just finding a way to do it without losing weight.

Well, as I was prepping my super nutrients drink (Emergen-C) my mom and I chatted again, mainly about my health.

This comment from her sent me off:

"You need to know you're not healthy just because you're skinny. You need to get out of that mindset."

Excuse me, what?

I snapped at her and told her I already knew that. There's a reason I try to gain weight, and that's to get rid of my germ vulnerability. I know eating my cheetos and chips aren't healthy choices. I know I sit a LOT.

In no way have I've ever claimed to be a healthy person, and she says I think this way.

Guess what mom...

You can be any size and be healthy.

You can be any size and be unhealthy.

I know this crap.

Stop acting as if since I'm thin I'm part of the toxic group of skinny people.

It seriously pisses me off.

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