Slice of Life Part 2

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Okay, I kinda just got this idea as I sat up in my bed right now, but have you noticed most books on here leave out little slice of life details?

Now, they aren't a requirement, but I think they make a story more enjoyable sometimes.

The character is almost always doing swell with no medical issues (generally unless their story is of them with a medical problem), but did you know not everyone is A okay in life?

I'll use myself as an example.

I get sinus problems every fall. I have scoliosis (pretty sure most Americans have it nowadays) thanks to genetics. I have a blood pressure condition where it looks like a healthy low, but can drop a lot. And I have seasonal allergies.

Now, I do have some mental things (anxiety, ADD, etc) but those aren't going to be really my focus here in this rant.

Just where the hell is the sore neck? If a character is Doug something that causes neck strain, then they should get a sore neck.

They slept in a strange position? Give them neck pain and back pain.

Stub their toe? Make them exaggerate a limp for the temporary pain.

They have sugar problems? Maybe they are making sure they're not diabetic yet. (But research it, even here I may have not said it right.)

Maybe they have acid reflex. Have them do the weird multiple burps when drinking a soda.

All I'm saying is please make the story have little things like this if possible. It adds more uniqueness in my opinion and can make the story a bit more fun.

It isn't for everyone, I know, but try it and it could make a story better.

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