Yo, Wattpad, an Idea? (Not a Rant)

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More of an idea because of my own eye sensitivity.

I will rant and say I hate black text on white background. It bothers my eyes. And I get a headache when I'm writing in a dark room and my screen is super bright even on the dimmest light.

We get the option to customize how we read stories on mobile (and I think desktop too?) with if it's standard or inverted (dark mode). I'm curious if we could get that for in the writing area too?

Like on my laptop I can use a dark mode chrome extension to change it, but that's a bit much I feel. Plus I can't do that on mobile (iPhone) without inverting all the colors on everything on my device. Plus it's tedious to turn on and off when also looking up stuff while I write on mobile.

Why I say it for mobile mainly is because if I'm in bed for the night, I'm not getting up unless I really have to use the bathroom. I also sleep in pitch darkness because it's how I sleep best.

When I get those creative thoughts at night and wanna write on my phone, this white background in writing mode is too intense and wakes me up. But also, during the day in the car, sunlight makes my phone impossible to see too with the white background for writing.

Could we get a dark mode for writing? I mean... Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and other sites are doing it. It would be nice for Wattpad to do too.

Plus then I won't get as much damage to my eyes. Legit, my eyes trip out from black on white and my eye doctor says it's not good. Dark mode would be very much appreciated. ❤️

Just an insert of a visual of this chapter with how I prefer to read and also have my writing screen.

To give you all a visual in case it still doesn't make sense, or if it helps you to see it better

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To give you all a visual in case it still doesn't make sense, or if it helps you to see it better.

Rants: The Things That Piss Me Off On WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now