Slice of Life + I'm Not Dead!

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Okay, I'm sorry for not being on. This summer has been a busy one and I'm also doing more than just working at the mall and prepping for college (been setting up my own little business, which is available! Just need to touch up my profile here). So I'm sorry for being inactive for a long while. It will be a while before I respond to all the comments people have left on this book and my others.

Now, onto today's rant /(•3•)/~

Most stories are dry on here or they're so filled with little things that we lose interest.

When I mean little things, I'm talking about the tiny "slice of life" moments that can help keep a story fun and enjoyable. It's a lot like adding some extra details, but some are just a big whopping no.

Good "slice of life" moments:

1. The bee buzzed by my ear as I worked on my assignment. While nature was fun, I didn't like the little honey maker flying around me. With one swat of the ruler, the insect was dead.

2. "Hey, are you okay in there?" Kolby asked as he knocked on the bathroom door.

"Go on without me..." said James from the other side.

Bad "slice of life" moments:
Note that these are more filler like and way too much

1. I continued to graph the math equation as a little bumbling bee came buzzing by. I moved the ruler just slightly and placed the new line down, but the buzzing came towards my ear. Feeling annoyed by the little guy, I picked up my ruler and swatted it at the bee, but missed. I then stood up from my chair and went full ninja on the honey baby until he was squashed onto the picnic table.

2. Not writing this scene as it's gonna be graphic and complete disgusting. I mean, details about diarrhea? NO!

Slice of life is good, but going into extreme detail of these life scenes is annoying and sometimes disturbing.

So please, don't go into graphic detail.

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