Stop Restarting...

180 11 3

This is more of an issue with my phone, but the issue is irritating, especially on the Wattpad app.

Now, I'm not sure all who experienced this when iOS 10.2.1 came out, but iPhones basically had this issue where our screens would go black and have the little white circle load that usually means dead phone.

Now, phones actually don't die from this, they restart and you can login with your finger ID instead of typing in your passcode like you do after a iPhone turns back on.

I'm on the most recent iOS and my phone still does it. I'm one of the few victims of this glitch that will forever affect my phone (and before recommending, yes, I took it into an Apple store and did everything they wanted me to try to fix it).

Like I'm chill with that, but when it restarts when writing on Wattpad is ridiculous.

Wattpad's auto save is somewhat slow when it saves. And even then, it doesn't save often on the app.

So having this glitch is really annoying.

I was just working on The Search for Nagia, a high fantasy I hope to bring to you guys in the future, but nooooo. My phone decided to quit the edits I put in for it as the most recent work when I rebooted the app was a new book idea I put down. 😒

It's ridiculous.

I wanna write, not deal with phone glitches.

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