Follow+Unfollow AGAIN

102 15 4


People are still pulling this crap.

It's been happening to me again recently.

Like I got a ping saying someone followed me. I didn't look until now since I had Dungeons and Dragons tonight and then played Destiny with one of my pals.

I look, and cool, new follower. Let's check them out!

Go to the chick's profile and what do ya know? It doesn't say she's following me anymore!

Apparently it's a 4 y/o account too.

Are some people just dedicated to doing this for their Wattpad living? To follow and then unfollow if the person doesn't follow back within a few hours?

AGAIN, I only follow people who interest me or are my friends.

I will sometimes clean out those I follow if they're now dead accounts or if their works no longer interest me.

But c'mon people

Stop with this petty way to gain numbers.

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