Just creepy

63 7 0

I just got this while I was in tiktok browsing videos

I just got this while I was in tiktok browsing videos

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When I saw the NOTIFICATION, I just got bad vibes. Idk why, but I did and my gut was telling me to check it.

The person who sent it was a white male in his photo. No books on his page, and only two books in his reading list, both are 18+. Plus, an American flag background with a typical Christian quote on it.

Just from this it seemed like a dude who wanted to start flirting. Especially when my profile photo is me in full makeup and looks pretty attractive for the societal standard.


You gave me creepy by addressing me by last name too.

Buh bye

I muted the dude. I just... gah

I've been honing my empath and spiritual sensitivity lately, so I'm picking up on things faster and more accurate. Pretty sure the guy is a creep and I'm glad to have just muted him.

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