The Wattpad Update

197 11 7

Idk about you guys, but this rebrand just doesn't seem good to me.

Visually, it just doesn't click. And it's somewhat irritating seeing the logo change when I've seen it as the same W for 6 years on here.

Also, the new look of the website and app when opened is just a no for me.

It feels way too open. I liked the orange borders as it helped to close it off a bit. Not to mention it was warm, not cool.

Cool colors on a screen make you stay more awake. Warm colors help to let you fall asleep.

Idk, I just don't like it.

Hopefully Wattpad changes a little more as I know I'm probably not the only one who likes the drastic change.

Just bring back some of the original orange, ya know? (This new orange is intense on the eyes against the white) The site feels very bland now.

TBH, I may ask my graphic design professor about this design. If he says it's crap, Wattpad needs to hire a new graphic designer (or team) for the website and app.

Rants: The Things That Piss Me Off On WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now