
348 18 11

Okay, can I just say I have a love/hate relationship with my name?


Kinda unique, a season, and constant picking.

Also, my name is kinda in a strange spot. I'm a winter baby, but I was named Summer.

My parents picked it because they thought it was pretty. Not because I had dark eyes or super tan skin when born, but because it is pretty.

It seems many names here on Wattpad are too generic or so unique that they have stupid reasons for naming their characters that.

I'm tired of seeing names like Sarah, Diamond, Kaylee, Emma, etc.

Can't you do something a bit more memorable?

And I'm talking about last names too!

You can look for common names, but if you do, add an interesting last name (middle one too if the culture has that in your book).

So, instead of this:

Amanda Renee Greene


Amanda Gwenith Holiwin

Seems a bit more memorable, right?

Just please stop with names that are going to be forgotten...

For me, I'm going to confuse characters in books if they all have the same name.

I try to avoid it and will only have one overlapping name in my books, which is Hunter.

It's only overlapping as I felt my Capricorn MC in my zodiac book would be awesome with the name Hunter. The other Hunter I have is my Star Wars character, one I've had since I was seven years old. No way in hell am I going to change her name.

That's my only exception, is if the name is already set for characters. But please, try making more unique names!

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