Poor Spelling/Grammar

664 55 33

I'm pretty sure all of us have come across Wattpad books muddied with this issue. I know I have.

Now, this rant just came to me last night while reading over on Quotev, but hey, it's definitely a rant for Wattpad too.

Why are there so many people that can't spell or write grammar properly?

Now, I know I'm not perfect either, but at least I know where quotation marks go.

There's just so many issues with people's grammar on here. From misused words to not using the right voice in a sentence (I'm still fighting myself to overcome voice issues), it's unbelievable.

You want to say a group of people own something? It's their.

You say you do the same thing? It's "me too!"

You have two different subjects in a sentence and using a conjunction? Put a comma after the damn conjunction!

You're saying an animal owns something? That is its collar.

You're putting a card in your story from a family? It's "Sincerely, the Smiths" no apostrophes!

It's not defiantly true, but definitely true.

I think I've made my point quite clear. There's mostly misuses of words and lack of punctuation in stories. It's so annoying.

Learn proper grammar and spelling!

Rants: The Things That Piss Me Off On WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now