Star Wars Fan Fiction

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This may just be me since I'm major nerd and love Star Wars, but like... Can we not have canon x OC/reader romances if it's the prequels or the OG?

Or at least, not ones that screw up the main plot a lot.

Could just be me as an avid fan, probably is lol

It also lays down on the fact that I relate to Anakin a lot with internal conflicts I had growing up, not sure if I was doing the right thing or not and being easily manipulated by people.

^This btw is kinning (what my friends on tumblr say it is) when you relate to a fictional character so much you have a personal connection in your opinion.

So like... when I'm browsing the Star Wars fan fiction, all I see is romances of OCs/Readers with Anakin.

Like??? Can we have something else please? Write that stuff for characters with something open relationship wise, because messing with canon romance usually makes a fan fiction flop HARD.

Good examples I'll say are ones with Ahsoka and Lux with how Filoni had set those two up in Clone Wars. Things may change with the Ahsoka show coming out, but that's an amazing romance to write about in Star Wars. I know a few writers who write that pairing super well.

You can even do Ahsoka x Reader/OC pretty easy too since she doesn't have a definite partner. Same goes for Obi-Wan (yes, he has Satine, but if you've seen Star Wars Clone Wars to the end, you know what's up).

Or, maybe. Make a star wars fanfiction where you don't do pairings. Write an adventure that can happen in the universe. There's so many possibilities!

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