Arachnid Adopts A Child

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Arachnid was walking down a human road until he heard someone crying.she got a weapon out and called " come out NOW!!!!" she saw a little girl not over the age of 3 crawling out the the bushes. " what are you doing out here little one?" she bent down and took the young one in her servos. " mummy weft and daddy always stwank" she was confused on how the little young talked " well your creators can't get you now I'll look after you" she transformed into her alt mode and flew to the nemesis.

When she arrived Megatron was waiting on the flight deck " arachnid what did you find?" she showed Megatron the toddler" how do you supposed to take care of it? " arachnid shrugged and walked past him. When walking down the halls the young one pointed at Starscream" ANGEL ANGEL!!!! " Starscream paused his walking and saw the little girl" hello young one what's your name? "but she kept shouting" ANGEL ANGEL!!! " arachnid looked down at her" your name that's your name angel " she looked up at arachnid and giggled then reach sout for Starscream." uncle "Starscream looked at arachnid and held out his servos to pick angel." hello angel my name is startscream "uncle star" he chuckles " very well I'll let you and your carrier to go to your room bye now" he hands her back to arachnid and walks off.

~ 2 years later ~

Angel was having the best time of her life she was now 5 and getting home schooled by Soundwave, knockout and Starscream. Her carrier was also teaching her how to pilot a helicopter which Megatron disagreed with but he supports her. Angel was sitting in the recroom where everyone gets their energon from. She saw her uncle Starscream walk through the doorway " UNCLE STAR!!!" she ran up to his pede and hugged his ankle. " hehe hello angel" he picked her up and set her on a table. He could see arachnid cooking dinner for Angel. When arachnid was finished she set the plate of mash and sausages down for her to eat. "hello Starscream" he only nodded. When Angel finished her tea, arachnid brought her to bed " night night carrier" and fell asleep " goodnight darling" and walked out whilst turning  the lights off.

I finished this at last anyways

Rescuebots234 out

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