knockout x OC x bumblebee

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facts I need for the story : OC name is crossflare.

bumblebee was firing at the vehicons that were trying to get into the mine they had discovered along with a pod , it had somebot in it but they didn't know who all they knew is that they were a neutrel . He had just killed the last one until " bumblebee the bot has escaped and is heading into your direction" arcee said over comm " thanks arcee " he beeped back , he then felt someone jump up behind him and the next minute he saw the most beautiful bot he has ever seen , there frama was magestic like they had just come out of a book . He kept staring until the other bot talked " my name is crossflare " the bot said "I-I'm bumblebee " he beeped whilst stuttering, the crossflare giggled " your beep is cute bumble~"that statement made bumblebee blush uncontrollably until " well~ who's this beautiful doll?" knockout said flirty towards bumblebee and crossflare." leave knockout!" bumblebee had yelled until he got pushed over by knockout and crossflare " w-wat are you doing?" bumblebee beeped out ." well me and knockout have known eachother since we were younger and we both are bonded , we wanted to add somebody extra to it so we thought of you cutie " crossflare said whilst rubbing themselves against bumblebee's interface panel which made him squeak , he also felt a claw wrap around his door-wing . The next minute went past and his panel opened and crossflare had sat on his spike "mmmhhhh~~~such a wonderpus spike bumble" knockout had however started to penetrate his valve " if you think that's good then you should really dig into this tight valve ~" knockout said flirty.

time had flown byand bumblebee didn't even know how many times he had overloaded all he knew was the sweet pleasure he was feeling. He was moaning out all different chirps and beeps when crossflare had said " open you chassis bumblebee let us bond together oh~please" they had said while riding bumblebee, he had opened his chassis without hesitation and he felt the wonders of a sparkbond woth both knockout and crossflare. once ended they all closed their panels , whilst laying on the floor panting crossflare had said " me and knockout need to be off bow bumbles but do keep in contact with us through our sparkbond will you?" bumblebee had answered with " yes I will we should meet up here again " he replied and knockout and crossflare had left. " umm....bumblebee???" arcee had said over commlink and that's when he realised that .......the had left his commlink on the entire time.

well this was fun to write but I did add my own twist in it J hope the person who requested it is alright with it now I am afraid that requests will be slow because of my exams and I'll be working saturdays but anyways


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