TFP arcee(EX) xTFP bumblebee

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Since smokescreen had joined the base it seemed more lightly and airy since arcee's and bumblebee's bad break-up. It happened right after the children had joined the base , Arcee was mad because Cliffjumper had been murdered and bumblebee helped with hir room but bee had found cliff's dairy and found out that arcee was cheating on him so bumblebee broke up with her in front of the whole team afterwards Optimus comforted his son. Smokescreen joining was just what bumblebee needed , they hung out with eachother almost all the time and Optimus could tell that smokescreen had a crush on his son which arcee despised the idea of. She still had feelings for bumblebee but knew that he would never take her back after what she did but she felt that smokescreen couldn't have him either.

Smokescreen and Bumblebee was on the roof of the base just chilling with each other , smokescreen only knew part of the story to why arcee and him broke up but didn't also want to open a new wound for bee but he needed to know " hey bee?" smokescreen asked " yeah smokey? " bumblebee turned to give smokescreen his full attention " why did you and arcee break up?" he finally had asked " well it is a long story"

~ flashback to post-break up~

" thanks for helping out honeybee It means a lot to me" arcee had said while looking at the mess cliffjumper left in his room " it's okay I knew how close you guys were " he was sorting through the draws that cliff had on his desk until he found a data-pad labelled dairy , so he opened it but it required a password he tried plenty but finally guessed it with arcee's creation day which he thought was weird , he turned to talk to arcee but she had already left so he looked through it until the reacent page caught his optics .

Dear dairy,

I actually hooked up with arcee today , we have been dating behind bee's back for a while now , which I still feel bad about but we finally interfaced a couple hours ago. she had snuck back to bee he was recharging when she left hopefully he still is because arcee can barely walk now lol ;). I still feel awful about bee but I can't say anything to him he and arcee are suppose to bond soon and I don't want to ruin that but she doesn't like him no more which I know about because we have a code word for our hook up it's 'bug' idk why but I still idk what to do anyways bye for now cliff out.

Bumblebee had stopped reading at that point because on the next page it talk about there hook up and what they did together , he stormed out of the room in a rage and went to arcee with the data-pad still in his servo. He had found her with the rest of the team " hey honeybee " arcee said smiling though she stopped when she saw bee glaring at her " what's up?" she asked all he replied with is " bug " and he could see the energon darin from her face " h-how do you know that?" she asked and he threw the data-pad into her servos " this told me all I needed to know about you and cliff behind my back" he said and the others slowly started to realise what was happening " WHY WERE YOU GOING THROUGH HIS DAIRY????" arcee yelled out " BECAUSE I WANTED TO KNOW WHAT MY EX AND BESTFREIND WERE DOING BEHIND M BACK" he yelled back "e-ex?" arcee asked " yes we are through I can't believe I was blind enough not to realise my femmefriend was sleeping with mechs behind my back " and he stormed off with Optimus in tow .

~ end of the flashback ~

" so it was pretty intense then?" smokescreen asked and bumblebee nodded , he felt an arm around him " I won't ever do that if we dated " smokescreen stated " is this your way of asking me out?" bumblebee asked " yes will you accept?" "yes I do " and thye snuggled together on the roof watching the sun set on the Nevada desert.

I felt this went so well in place and It did I have never added a dairy entry to anything I have written and i'm glad I got to try tell me what you thought of it anyways

rescuebots234 out

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