Hotrod x Soundwave part 2

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*Hotrod POV*

Hotrod was getting closer to deliver his and soundwave's sparkling, the only problem was soundwave was being too protective over him. Especially with the twins because they're always up to something, so every time there near soundwave holds me closer to him and snuggles up to me. He has been doing that ever since the twins almost made me lose the sparkling due to stress , but never less I am happy that soundwave is snuggling me whenever. I find it cute. His helm always makes my neck cables feel warm and my hormones loved. I am currently lying in my berth with soundwave and he is reading us our favourite murder mystery series that we found while going through ratchet's old data-pads he donated.

*everyone's POV*

"who do you think the murderer is in this book? last time it was the ex-girlfriend who craved attention but now that guy has a new girlfriend so do you think it was the guy the whole time?" soundwave asked hotrod , who was distracted by the sparkling bump that was absorbing his stomach. "hey what's wrong?" which got hotrod out of his daze "nothing I'm just debating if I will be a good creator or not for our little femme" hotrod answered which made soundwave chuckle, "what?" hotrod asked " nothing just wondering why you think that" soundwave answered before hotrod could answer soundwave spoke again "you have done everything ratchet has told you to do throughout being sparked and sacrificed a lot because of that" soundwave encouraged his mate, "you are going to be the perfect carrier to our little one hotrod even if you don't believe me" and with that soundwave hugged his mate while hotrod started to cry. He loved his mate inside and out, he knew he made the right choice in having a sparkling with this mech. "thank you sounds for everything" soundwave smiled "your welcome now let's get to berth you are quite tired my love" hotrod yawned and nodded to his mate who had layed down and opened his arms for hotrod to snuggle next to him and when he did he fell straight to recharge along with his mate.

Finished this sorry it took so long I am preparing to go to college this Monday and don't have a lot of time anyways

rescuebots234 out

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