smokescreen x clickback (OC)

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Warning : Lemon also not my OC he is the person who requested this OC

Clickback was walking through base when he saw smokescreen and immediately thought that , he was his mate . He went to medbay to check if ratchet was in there , when he saw that he wasn't he snatched his favourite wrench and walked out . He left it on smokescreen's bed side table and the. proceeds to walk out of smokescreen's room to his .

smokecreen walked into his room after a long sparring contest between him and bumblebee but obviously bumblebee won . He started to walk to his personal washracks when he saw ratchet's wrench on the side of his bed . ' what's that doing there?' He thought then heard ratchet yell " WHO HAS MY WRENCH I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T BRING IT BACK" smokescreen sighed and walked calmly to ratchet and gave him it back of course he had the clean the base but he didn care abou that . Over the next few fays he has been getting similar items tj ratchet's wrench and he noticed the way clickback has been staring at him .

One day thouch clikcback had enough he grabbed smokescreen's arm and pulled him into his room then locked the door " w-what the hell clickback??!!???" " WHY AREN'T YOU ACCEPTING MY GIFTS???" smokescreen was confused until he could smell the scent coming off of clickback " your in heat and your coming for me " clickback nodded then started to walk over to him " we could do it now if you want " smokescreen was completely controlled by the heat by now and gave a seductive growl " oh babe you aren't leaving this room " he pushed clickback onto his berth and started to grope his panel " gah!" he pushed his panel aside waiting for smokescreen to touch his vavle but instead he felt his spike . Without warning smokescreen pushed it in " AAAHHHH!!!" smokescreen pounds into clikcbacks vavle " ahhhhh s-smokey" " primus your gorgeous looking like this do you like the feeling of being pounded into?" clickback couldn't find any words to describe it and all he could see were stars .

~ outside of smokescreen's room ~

everyone looked like they have seen a ghost ." well um that is ironic " bulkhead had said " we should probably stop listening to them interfacing " ratchet suggested " good idea " arcee agreed and they all walked off

~ back in smokescreen's room~

he was so close to overloading " smokey please I'm close " smokescreen smirked and went harder " AHHHH!!!!!SMOKEY I'M CUMMING" he overloaded fiercely whilst smokescreen started to pull out " are you okay clickback ?" clikcback nodded and felt himself get lifted up and put into the washracks to get cleaned off now this he couldn't forget .

I'm sorry It's a whole week late but I have school again anyways

rescuebots234 out

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