HW x BB x chase ( RB)

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Heatwave and chase had been looking into adding another partner into their little relationship seen as though they both felt something was missing. They did try their other team-mates but blades was to scared to try anything and boulder was in a lovely relationship with salvage and they didn't want to ruin that and Blurr was too much to handle. They had to go investigate what looked like a massive rock that had crashed on a near-be island. What they didn't expect to see was the famous scout bumblebee , they both had looked at each other and had asked bumblebee to join there relationship . Bumblebee was sceptical at first due to it being a long relationship but had agreed because he was looking for something new to try . He spent the night with them going over rules they would have for eachother and had agreed on it , unfortunately he had to return to his base.

~ few months later ~

Bumblebee returns to the rescue bits with his partner Raf because he needed a place to stay since the decepticons destroyed their base. H asked and the chief was okay with it because he knew how close he was with chase and heatwave. He agreed as long as they don't do anything inappropriate in front of Cody. Bumblebee was now settled in chase and heatwave's chambers . He was sleeping when chase walked in, " how are you today my love?" chase was the sweet talker out of all of them " m good" he mumbled into the pillow he felt a servo on the back of his thigh guessing it was heatwave because he was the flirty one. " tired as well I see " he heard heatwave's rough voice say " yep " he answered " I was out all day with the kids " kids meaning Frankie , Cody and Raf. " aww poor you " heatwave answered back whilst chase was cuddling close to bumblebee " come join us heatwave " chase said calmly which persuaded heatwave to lay down with bumblebee in the middle of them , they talked about their day and what they would be doing the next day until the all fell into recharge.

Hope you enjoyed this Bumblebee only shows up a few times in rescue bots so I just took those chances and added them into this anyways

rescuebots234 out

oneshots transformersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon