( RID ) optimus x ( RID) megatron

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megatron felt a bit down for a while he looked over at optimus who was talking to bumblebee and the humans . ever since the war had ended optimus had forgiven him but for some reason he didn't believe it . he didn't realise but optimus started to walk towards him , he only noticed when he felt a servo on his shoulder " megatron are you alright? I have been calling you for awhile russell was asking about what it was like on the nemesis " megatron looked behind optimus and saw starscream lifting some of the pods for fix-it with the bratty red mechling annoying him and russell next to optimus " I am alright but I don't yhink that mechling will be in a minute , after he said that they all heard a scream " starscream! put sideswipe down!" ootimus yelled " WHY???I'M GOING TO STRANGLE HIM!!!!!!!" megatron chuckled but started to walk into the forest instead of hearing the little humans yapping .

he sat on a log that seemed sturdy enough for his weight and just watched the birds in the sky . a few minutes later he heard rustling and got prepared to fight , when it came iut of the bushes he tackled it to the ground but heard a " WAIT MEGATRON IT'S ME" he looked down and saw prime " optimus?what are you doung out here?" megatron got off the prime and helped him up " looking for you megatron why are you out here?" megatron sighed and sat on the log " prime  have you -" " have i what?" " forgiven me for the war ?" optimus looked stunned " of course i do megatron i forgave you a long time ago " megatron nodded " good to know I just didn't feel like you did " optimus hugged the ex-warlord " megatronous you are my best friend I'll always forgive you" megatron chuckled at hearing his old name " and i you orion " .

I'm so sorry your oneshots are taking forever but I have school and it's almost the summer holidays anyways

rescuebots234 out

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