48: Joshua 1:9

345 22 7

February 17th - Prompt: I believe


Susan sighed a little as she wondered into the living room, a cup of tea grasped tightly in her hands which she'd just made herself.

She headed over and sat slowly down on the sofa, placing the cup on the coffee table before reaching for a pile of old books that she'd dug out of the attic earlier that day.

She'd decided recently to have a clear out, get rid of stuff she never used or didn't need, so had spent all morning dragging down boxes from the attic and bringing them downstairs.

She reached for the first book from the pile beside where she was sat, smiling a little at the title, Peter Pan.

She was pretty sure it used to be Edmunds copy, and that thought made her smile falter a little, but it did widen sadly when she saw a note scribbled on the first page:

To Ed,
Happy Birthday,
Love Pete xxx

The slightly messy handwriting of her older brother brought a mix of both sad and happy tears to her eyes as she stared at it.

If she thought hard she was sure she could remember when Peter had given Edmund the book, it had been Edmunds 7th birthday, and and Edmund had never been happier to get it, especially since it was from Peter.

Susan didn't have the heart to throw the book away, so added it to the "keep" box, before slowly moving on.

She found a bunch of old newspapers no doubt kept by her Father, although she didn't know why, and a pile of old recipe books that clearly belonged to her Mum, she kept a few but decided to throw the others out, after all she knew she couldn't keep everything, as much as she wanted to.

She was nearly finished with the first box when something caught her eye, making her frown... A bible.

Picking it up she opened it to the first page, seeing Lucy's name written in curly handwriting, which was a little odd seeming as Lucy's handwriting had never been curly or fancy.

She smiled at the attempt, tracing her fingers over the ink, before a piece of paper slipped out from between the pages, landing in her lap.

Frowning deeper, she placed the bible carefully on the table and unfolded the paper, her heart skipping a beat when she saw that it was a letter... a letter addressed to her.


I know you never want to talk about Narnia anymore, I know you always say it was a game and that it wasn't real, but I hope one day in the far future you'll find this and it will change your mind better than me, Peter or Edmund could just by talking to you.

I never understood how you could forget, just completely turn your back on what we had. You were a Queen, Susan, the gentle, and no matter what you say you always will be.

I don't know where I'll be whilst you're reading this, but if I'm sat next to you or something, leave the room and read this alone.

Aslan, he loves you Susan, he never abandoned you, he never forgot about you, he never left you alone, I have a feeling these thoughts could have something to do with you pushing Narnia away, but I promise it's not true.

And here's why, I'm sure Aslan told you the same thing he told me and Ed when we left Narnia, that in this world he has another name.

The truth is, Aslans been watching over you and keeping you safe ever since you returned to England, he never once left you.

Go ahead and open the bible, find Joshua 1:9, and read it, I really love that verse, and perhaps it'll open your eyes a little. I know you're supposed to figure it out for yourself, but I know you know, even if you wont even admit it to yourself.

Anyways, see you soon,

All my love,

Lucy xx

One tear slipped down Susan's cheek as she lowered the piece of paper, before hesitantly picking up the bible.

She flicked through the pages until she found the verse Lucy had talked about, before letting out a small sob.

Aslan was Jesus, that was what Lucy was trying to tell her. Susan had always known this, deep down she had and she knew it, she just found it extremely hard to admit it, she thought, just as Lucy had said, that Aslan had abandoned her, and therefore, if Aslan was Jesus, so had he.

She thought They... He? hated her, after all her family had been ripped away from her, she had been left alone, alone and in pain, and she had blamed Aslan... Blamed Jesus/God, but now, thanks to Lucy's verse, she finally understood, she finally saw sense.

She had never been abandoned, she had never been left alone, Jesus was always with her, Aslan was always with her.

It had taken her five years to realise, and it had taken Lucy's help, but finally she believed, and she whispered those two words to herself over and over again as she sobbed.

"I believe, I believe, I believe..."

Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.


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